"...O God, and our hearts are restless until they find their REST in You." – St. Augustine
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Our Christmas was just wonderful! God was so good to get everybody over their colds and flu before the big day!
I was able to visit a very few of you tonight and am now off to catch up with Rita and Jackie's blogs. They are family you know! Happy New Year to each of you and look for a visit from me in the near future!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Giving a Shout Out!
We're in Tampa checking in on the folks. Mom is sleeping better and can move around a little better. I took down one of her shower curtains so she could wash it. We left Shane with her and dad while we (Agustin and I) did some Christmas shopping. They made their annual batch of "Peanut Butter Balls"!!! Some of you may know them as "Buckeyes". Shane is still sick after a set back. I adivsed him to not cough on the candy! We let him go to his Patch Club Christmas party last Wed. night against our better judgement. He was just getting over the flu. I think he got re-infected! Agustin has also been sick for a couple of days as well. I'm so thankful that it hasn't hit me yet! (Fingers crossed here!)
After shopping awhile, Agustin treated me to a nice steak dinner where there was lots of ambiance! Ooh-la-la! Then he took me shopping for a new computer!! We've been out looking 3 times now, but I'm so afraid I'm going to make the wrong choice! It's all so overwhelming!
Ron remains in good spirits and is recuperating well since his liver transplant.
Patti is home and doing so-so but her friends Raise and Roney need our prayers for health issues.
Well, Agustin is ready and we need to drive home, so until next time my friends!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Surprise Visit From ME!!
Just a real quick note to let you know y'all are in my heart and thoughts often. Merry Christmas everyone!
I'm at my parents home right now. I brought some of their favorite food products to them. From Fresh Market: Pimiento cheese, pumpernickel bread, toasted French rounds, bananas, and huge naval oranges! They were awesome, like a little slice of heaven!
Mom is having much less pain but must continue sleeping in the recliner for now. she is craving a good night's sleep in her bed!
Ron went home from the hospital on Tuesday with his new liver. (Groovy, I can't wait to ask him if they gave him a side of onions with that! You crazy nut!)
My brother and two sons have had a terrible flu virus.
My friend Amber arrived from Pensacola safely and is in route with her daddy now to her home!
It's raining cats and dogs here!
Love to all and to all a good night!
Monday, December 03, 2007
A family friend, Ron Worley, recieved a call around 10 thirty Sunday night telling him to get to Tampa General right away for his new liver!! We have been praying for several months for this to happen. Today, he recieved that new liver and is doing well at this time. Dad was at the hospital and with the family until the surgeon released the great news. It seems all went well. Please pray that his body accepts this liver, please.
I'm once again at my parents home. Mom needed a little time out of the house, so I took her to the mall - a perfect place to walk and move around a little. Her cortisone shot is starting to relieve some of the arthrits pain in her shoulder, but the break is very painful and she just can't move very quickly. We took some time out to get her a good shampoo and a hair cut and style while out. She enjoyed that so much! Rita, the hairdresser was from Venezuela!!
I'm a winner! Yes siree indeedy! Just click here http://heathersbrain.blogspot.com/ and see just what I won!! I LOVE it and am so thankful to my sweet Heavenly Father for allowing my number to be chosen so that I could recieve this little ray of sunshine just when I need it most!
Speaki8ng of rays of sunshine -- that's what each comment is to me when I sign on and see taht y'all haven't forgetten about checking on me.
I have so much to tell y'all but have no time now. Hopefully I'll remember some of all that has been happening when I get a chance to sign back on! LOL
Friday, November 30, 2007
Still at Mom's
Just another quick update while I have access to my dad's computer! Mom fell on Tuesday evening and broke her humerus bone - but no - it isn't humorous at all! She also required 11 stitches in her neck due to a soup tureen breaking when she missed the step and the tureen hit the travertine floor! I came over Wed. to see how I could best be of help. Well - it's Friday evening and I'm still here! I really am going home tonight to see what needs to be taken care of at my home! LOL
Mom is in good spirits, albeit, great pain! It's hard to keep her down. Just imagine Tigger in a recliner!
We left her house Thursday around 11 a.m. to pick up her emergency room XRays. We then had over 2 hours to wait for her Ortho appointment. She asked me if I would mind taking her to the mall to get her nails done! So that's what we did! It was nice to have time to sit together and have them done at the same time. We are both usually so busy and going in totally different directions.
We then ate Chinese for lunch and shopped a little at Macy's. Great sales there until Monday! Mom has a friend on the board for Macy's who gave us a "Friend and Family" card so we get an additional 20% off all items until Monday! What fun!
After the mall, we were off to the ortho Dr. appointment for her arm. He took new xrays because he wasn't pleased with the ones taken at emergency room. Her shoulder if full of arthritis, which I've been telling her to get checked out for months now! She received a cortisone shot. We finally returned home at 6 p.m. exhausted!
Please keep her in her prayers. The pain medication helps take the edge off the pain.
I've been online comparing prices for computers.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I'm experiencing extreme blogging withdrawal! My computer crashed on Saturday.
I'm at my parent's due to mom falling yesterday and breaking her arm. I brought groceries, easy stuff for dad to prepare on the George Foreman grill, and did some laundry for mom.
I'm in the middle of pricing and shopping for a new computer! Mom's hospital trip and injury kind of interrupted that!
I'm missing knowing what is going on in all of your live's. I did have time to visit a few blogs tonight.
I'm anxiously awaiting to write a real post! Hopefully I will be privileged to do that soon in the comfort of my own home!
I'm thinking and praying and loving y'all!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Houston...we have a problem!!!
Her computer has crashed and she is unable to get online. She says to tell you all how much she misses you and that she does not know when she will be back online, but, please, keep checking in to see when she is up and running again!!!
Funny, how that even though I am here in South America , I can help her out with this!!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
It's Right Around the Corner!
Remember it is important to mix in a little activity with your turkey and pie. Consider having a family football game or scavenger hunt to get everyone moving. Even a group walk after dinner is a great way for everyone to get some physical activity - on Thanksgiving and every day! We live near a gorgeous county park with basketball and tennis courts, along with soccer fields galore and football fields. My favorite part of the park is the one and one half mile track around the perimeter. Most everyday, I walk three miles (2 laps). I hope to be able to get visiting family members motivated to join me at the park after the big meal! However, I've already told myself not to be terribly disappointed if my idea is met with growls of dismissal! LOL With this in mind, I'm going to rent THIS wonderful movie.

I've inlcuded some links below with turkey tips and coloring/activity sheets - a fun way to keep your young ones occupied during meal preparation. Shane and I have been having fun with many of these pages this week. Enjoy!
- Cooking Turkey is a Family Affair... with the Right Safety Tools
- Tips for a Safer Turkey
- Thanksgiving Activities (worksheets, games, crafts & more!)
- Thanksgiving Coloring Sheets
- Turkey Trivia
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thanksgiving Riddles
#1.What kind of key has legs, but can't open doors?
#3.Why did the turkey cross the road?
#4.Why did the pilgrim cross the road?
#5.If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
Friday, November 16, 2007
Take Time To Be Positive


I have some "turkey trivia" for you to share with your guests at this year's Thanksgiving meal......
Until 1863, Thanksgiving Day had not been celebrated annually since the first feast in 1621. This changed in 1863 when Sarah Josepha Hale (the author of Mary Had a Little Lamb) encouraged Abraham Lincoln to set aside the last Thursday in November "as a day for national thanksgiving and prayer."
About 300 million turkeys are produced each year. About 45 million (15%, or about 675 million pounds) are consumed at Thanksgiving. Ninety percent of American homes eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. Fifty percent eat turkey on Christmas.
According to a survey commissioned by the National Turkey Federation the top five ways consumers eat leftover turkey are: (1) Sandwich (67%); (2) Soup or stew (20%); (3) Salad (14%); (4) Casserole (12%); and (5) Stir-fry (6%).
The average American ate between 18 and 19 pounds of turkey in 1996. Sandwiches are the most popular form of turkey consumption.
Californians are the biggest turkey eaters in the country. They eat three pounds more turkey than the average American consumer.
The Israelis eat more than 22 pounds of turkey each year, largely because red-meat production in Israel is limited and it is expensive.
Domestic turkeys are raised in just about every state. North Carolina produces the most turkeys, while Minnesota and Arkansas are number two and three.
How did the turkey get its name? No one seems to know for sure, but we are certain how the turkey got it's nickname, gobbler. It comes from the loud "gobble, gobble, gobble" that the turkey makes. Only the male turkeys (called toms) gobble, while the females (called hens) make a clicking noise.
Domestic turkeys cannot fly. Wild turkeys can fly for short distances up to 55 miles per hour and can run 25 miles an hour.
A fully grown turkey has over 3,500 feathers.
Wild turkeys spend the night in trees. They fly to their roosts around sunset.
A wild turkey has excellent vision and hearing. Their field of vision is about 270 degrees. This is one reason why they easily elude some hunters.
The fleshy growth from the base of the beak, which is very long on male turkeys and hangs down over the beak, is called the snood.
Out of this world meal. When US astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin sat down to eat their first meal on the moon in their historic 1969 voyage, their foil food packets contained roasted turkey and all the trimmings.
Benjamin Franklin tried to switch our national symbol from the Eagle to the Turkey.
Visit http://www.kidsgrowth.com/ for more educational information.
I Can't Wait To Try These!
1/2 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 c. miniature semisweet chocolate morsels
1 1/2 pounds chocolate bark, melted (can find in baking aisle next to chocolate chips)
Beat butter and sugar at medium speed of an electric mixer until creamy. Beat in milk and vanilla. Gradually beat in flour, mixing well. Add chocolate chips. Shape mixture into 1" balls. Cover and freeze balls until very firm. Melt chocolate bark as directed. Using two forks, quickly dip frozen truffles into melted chocolate, coating completely. Place on wax paper to harden. Store truffles in refrigerator 2 to 3 days or place in freezer. Makes 4 1/2 dozen. (May use melted white chocolate to create a "swirl" on top for decoration.)
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Update on Patti-thanks for your prayers!
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2007 10:10 PM, CST
Good evening, I finally was able to visit Patti today after not seeing her for a couple of days.... It was not easy for me to see her so, so pale, so fragile, so skinny.
I figure she must not be more than a 100 pounds now. Tomorrow it'll be a week she had the surgery and all she has eaten are ice chips, so you can imagine how weak her body must me, she was already weak before her procedure....
Todd and I don't believe they are going to send her home any time soon. They need to know when she starts to eat how things are going to work for her, there are a number of concerns that will be difficult to deal with at home.
She was fast asleep, very peacefully, had cards on the wall, flower arrangements, a pink kitty cat, everything to cheer her up when she is able to notice it all. To my surprised, she called me this morning to see how I was feeling, I know, that took a tremendous effort on her part, I did not recognize her lettle voice at first, once I did, all I could do was to cry, happy to hear her, and knowing how difficult it must have been for her to do it, I knew at that moment how much she loved me and cares for me, that was one of the greatest gifts I have received in my life! We all know she is an amazing loving, kind soul, that is why we all love her so much.
Continue to pray with all your heart, we need patience, we also, this is for me, know the Lord is in control and she is in the hollow of his loving hand, He'll protect her and carry her through this storm as He has done before.
Victory is near for Patti Byrd, and when it comes, what a celebration that will be! I love you all, God bless,
Let me start by telling you that before I went to see Patti I went to the store to buy a Christmas gift I saw in the paper. I was walking down to the register, I saw that the pajamas were 50% off, then instantly one in particular got my attention, it was green and had kitty cats dressed as Santa everywhere, well, green is Patti's favorite color, and cats, she is crazy about them, without hesitation, I got the pajamas, paid for them and drove to the hospital.
I was dreading the visit, yesterday I came out very down, very sad. I opened the door and she opened her eyes, inmediately she started to cry, quickly I kissed her and said, no tears, I'm not here for tears, do I have a surprise for you! She smiled and got a little excited as I handed her the pajamas. What a sight that was!
She was opening them up as fast as she could, between crying and smiling real big, she kept on saying, they are green and have kittens on them, turned around and told the nurse, everyone should have a Raisa in their lives... I told her I have been shopping and found a beautiful skirt that would be great for our Florida Worship Choir outfit, I told her that I had left it in the car because I thought she would be asleep, asked her if she wanted me to go get it, all this conversation was very happy and uplifting from me, I wanted to raise her spirits and I was doing it! I went to the car, came back and to my amazement, she had the nurse change her to the green Christmas pajamas! The poor nurse had to disconnect and connect all of the equipment so she could wear them, not only that, the pajamas came with a strap, she had that around her bald head like a bow, she was acting like a little kid with a new present.
You can imagine, my relief, my joy my happiness.... The Lord had taken me to that store to get that present for her, which in turn uplifted her and ME! She loved the skirt and I told her I would buy one for her birthday in January and not to ask for another thing, that would be it! She laughed when I told her that my daughter Becky wants to be the first one to take her out to dinner to the greasiest restaurant in Tampa to begin the process of fattening her up, she said she could not wait to do that and go shopping with me. She also said her mother in law was going to decorate her house for Christmas and the theme for the tree was going to be pink kitties like the one I gave her and the color of the breast cancer ribbon. It was awesome, rewarding and made us aware of God's love for his children, how He does things to get the results that are needed....
She started with a liquid diet today, however, all she wanted was 2 popsicles. They have to see how food agrees with her as it is introduced slowly and she has to have at least a couple of BMs before she can go home.
I apologize for going on and on but, I knew you would enjoy reading today's events after so many somber reports.
Pray on, for that's what the Lord is looking for, get on your knees for that is how the battle is won, and IT IS!!!! God bless you all,
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
W Ketchup Toasts French President
I remember when a long time friend, who now lives in Pennsylvania, came down to visit us for Thanksgiving. When she mentioned something about Democrats in Pennsylvania, Shane's mouth flew open in surprise and he exclaimed incredulously: "What? You mean you have Democrats all the way up in Pennsylvania too?!!!?" We all laughed so hard at the shock portrayed by this young "conservative"!
I said all that to say this! Ever since my first order of W Ketchup, I have been receiving email updates from the company. I really want to share today's email as it goes hand in hand with Veteran's Day. I watched, via C-SPAN, as the new French President spoke to the joint session of congress this week and was thrilled to detect a refreshing change in tone as he appears to be PRO-AMERICAN! Now if we could only get a few more American citizens on board!
For media inquiries contact Bill Zachary (917) 733-3038
W Ketchup Toasts French President Sarkozy this Veterans Day
Eagle Bridge, NY — November 11, 2007 — Last week newly elected French President Nicolas Sarkozy visited Washington, the first official visit by a French president in six years. Before visiting Mt. Vernon, the home of George Washington, Sarkozy addressed a joint session of Congress, saying:
The men and women of my generation heard their parents talk about how in 1944, America returned to free Europe from the horrifying tyranny that threatened to enslave it. Fathers took their sons to see the vast cemeteries where, under thousands of white crosses so far from home, thousands of young American soldiers lay who had fallen not to defend their own freedom but the freedom of all others, not to defend their own families, their own homeland, but to defend humanity as a whole.
. . .
To those 20-year-old heroes who gave us everything, to the families of those who never returned, to the children who mourned fathers they barely got a chance to know, I want to express France’s eternal gratitude.
The previous evening, President Sarkozy awarded the Légion d’Honneur, France’s highest honor, to seven World War II veterans.
Dan Oliver, CEO of W Ketchup, commented: “At the age of 19, the Marquis de Lafayette left France to volunteer his service in the American Revolution, and became a life long friend of George Washington. Last week America witnessed a French president, walking in the spirit of Lafayette, who understands freedom, acknowledges America’s sacrifices, and appreciates American exceptionalism.”
On the eve of Sarkozy’s visit, CBS broadcast a “60 Minutes” interview between Sarkozy and Lesly Stahl. When Stahl asked about his ex-wife, Sarkozy replied, “If I had something to say about Cecilia I would certainly not say it here,” took off his microphone, and left the interview. When asked why his press secretary had arranged the interview, Sarkozy responded: “He is stupid.”
W Ketchup’s Chairman Bill Zachary reacted: “The liberal media has made a habit of lionizing America’s enemies, and degrading America’s friends, turning the fourth estate into a fifth column. We wish more American politicians showed Sarkozy’s dignity by refusing to submit to the humiliations and abuses of privacy of the media.”
In his speech to the US Congress, Sarkozy also said:
America’s strength is not only a material strength, it is first and foremost a spiritual and moral strength. . . . Fundamentally, what are those who love America asking of her, if not to remain forever true to her founding values?
W Ketchup is dedicated to supporting America’s founding values and the men and women of the armed forces who protect them from foreign tyrants, especially on this Veteran’s Day.
President Sarkozy returned to France to find his country paralyzed by striking trade unions and protesting university students who want less work and more entitlements. W Ketchup wishes Sarkozy Godspeed in his effort to cure France of its eurosclerosis.
W Ketchup donates a portion of every purchase to the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund, which helps fund college tuition for the children of America’s fallen heroes.
To order, please visit our website at:
To view previous W Ketchup News Releases, please visit our website at:
W Ketchup™ was founded to give Americans a choice of ketchup, and a choice not to support Heinz, or Teresa Heinz, John Kerry, and their anti-American liberal agendas. W Ketchup™ is a private company that makes ketchup in America solely from ingredients grown in the USA. W Ketchup™ made for Americans, and is sold only in America.. For more information visit www.wketchup.com or contact 1-866-WKETCHUP, or write to 954 Lexington Ave, #236, New York, NY 10021-5013
Thank you for supporting W Ketchup.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Veteran's Day

Thanks Tiany!

I'm a Candle Addict!

Is that a FREE candle I smell?: NOVEMBER'S CANDLE
Thursday, November 08, 2007
AWW Thanks Everyone!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 06, 2007 07:42 PM, CST
Hi everybody, Patti had her surgery at 12:30 p.m. today, everything went smooth, they did find another infected pocket, the surgeon did not know about that one, she was able to clean it and of course she'll be on antibiotics to make sure the infection goes away. They took the piece of the colon that was bad, so we can thank God that the surgery went fine under the circumstances.
She has and is connected to all the necessary things with that type of surgery, the hose in her nose does not let her talk very clearly. When she was taken to a room, (temporary room) until she gets a private room, she had pain, headache, don't know if it is a migraine...
Has nausea and the expected discomforts, they were prepared and started giving her morphine, nausea meds, etc. That is all I can tell you at the moment, tomorrow is another day. If everything is okay, she'll go home after a week at the hospital.
Please continue to pray, with this type of surgery the recovery is difficult and lengthy, only the Lord can control the outcome
God bless you all, I'll keep on updating you until she can do it on her own.
The tube down her throat is gone, that was aggravating the nausea, so she feels more relief, the head still hurting, they took her for another brain MRI tonight. Praise God the tube is gone, we'll see what tomorrow brings.
She is not in a private room as of yet, we hope it'll be soon. I'll spend some time with her tomorrow, just sitting there, not saying a word, the ones that know me know how difficult it is for me to keep my mouth shot, but for Patti, I'll do it! I just want to keep her company and let her know I'm supporting her through this journey.
Let's pray that tomorrow will bring more relief, keep the prayers coming , God bless you all.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I was privileged to get to speak with Patti on the phone for about 2 hours last week. Yes, 2 hours all at once! What a blessing that girl was to me! One thing she told me which caused tears was how she just loves it when my daddy visits with her and prays over her. She said she just loves to hear him pray, then she spoke about him being so humble and loving. She also said it made her feel as if it was her own daddy standing there comforting her! She lost her father several years ago.
This was shared with me by a wonderful cousin who is a stamping/card making enthusiast. I felt I should share it with you.
When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the following:
A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington,D.C. 20307-5001
God Bless Our Troops and God Bless America!
I had a "fun, girly" weekend! My friend Ashley met us at the park Friday evening where I do my walking and Shane plays soccer. She joined me in my laps around the track, which by the way, I have built up to 2 laps a day. That translates into THREE MILES! Yes, me, Pam, the one who could barely walk last fall! Praise the Lord! Anyway, we came home around 9 p.m. ravished, so we ordered pizza. Then on Saturday night we watched "Gone With the Wind" together while eating popcorn and Funguns; washing it all down with Orange Soda! LOL I never buy sodas unless we order pizza or have a party! Once in awhile, I might order a Diet Coke when I go out to eat. So I felt like a bad, little school girl sitting on the guest bed, eating junk food! Oh and we got to chat with Jackie down in Paraguay off and on through out the evening.
It was fun sharing face care products and talking "girl talk" for most of the weekend. I always feel so honored when someone only 18 years old wants to hang out with an old chick like me. Thanks Ashley for keeping me young!
Last but certainly not least, I'd like to wish my Aunt Donna a very happy birthday today! Just click on her name to link to a post I did about her and her quilting. She is celebrating her 81 years of life with a little less fanfare than last year. Her big 80 was a big affair with many surprises, such as: Her sister flew down from Indiana, a son flew in from Germany with his wife, another came in from out west, one came from Atlanta, a daughter came in from Virginia, and of course her son, who lives here in Florida, was in on the whole surprise! Many wonderful memories were made!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Hello! Patti is hanging in there, gets tired very easily, that is to be expected when you eat very light Today she went for her pre-op, it took her 3 hours so she was very tired when it was over.
Monday she is having a colonoscopy and Tuesday is Surgery, the surgeon told her it would take about 2 1/2 hrs. Warm up your praying engines, buy some knee pads, don't forget to forward this to your friends and family, churches, everybody! Let's pray that surgery goes smooth and the recovery will be easy and without complications, especially those evil migraines!
She is very thankful and very blessed to have you all, what she does not understand is that we are the blessed ones, how generous of the Lord to put her in our lives!
God bless, much love.
Thursday, November 01, 2007

Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem. Barack Hussein Obama's photo (that's his real name)......the photo here is worth a thousand words! Does he deserve to be the next Commander in Chief if he can't pledge his allegiance to our beloved flag and country? What is your opinion?
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
GOOD GRAVY! What possessed me to post about my fungus?
First, imagine his latin accent with a very incredulous tone in his voice.
"Pam, we saw Kim and her girls at the park. They asked about you, said they had read about your rash on your blog! I can't believe that some one like you who is so private about so many things would write about THAT. You won't even go out in public right now but you put YOUR RASH out there for the world to know about. What's next, are you going to post pictures of the rash?" This was said all in fun, mind you!
Hey, great idea honey! Now you all can scroll down to see photo of my rash!
Naw, just yanking your chain folks. I don't think I would post a photo of my fungus. After all, I am a dignified, southern lady! My response to Agustin was, "Well, I didn't mind telling my blogging friends because they "know" me!"
Hubby's tongue-in-cheek response: "And the people at church don't know you? Maybe you need a reality check."
But you all get me, don't you? You do know me and support me in such a way that I wasn't a bit self conscious in sharing something with you that is quite embarrassing to me! Think about it! Awesome! So now I understand what possessed me to post about my fungus -- it was YOU ALL!
On the bright side, I have received so many great ideas for treatment, much of which I had searched out on line! I knew you all would come through. The prayers are most appreciated and things are "clearing up" a bit. Web - the first thing I tried was the half water to half peroxide. I saw improvement in 24 hours! I'm off to the health food store tomorrow to buy Oregano Oil, which I had never heard of until Groovy suggested it. Thanks Groovy!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
There is Fungus Among Us!
IT also seems to be taking a toll on my energy level. I've been feeling more fatigued than I have in months. Since I'm not having much luck with meds, I'm on my way now to search the internet for some natural herb/salves/cures for this. I should have done that to begin with. I've seen herbs and natural treatments do miracles both in myself and in the lives of family and friends. After my search, I'm off for a soothing bath in baking soda!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I'm a Proud Mama!
I'm so happy my friend Missy was able to get her home updated and have something special to enjoy. She recently lost her dad and saw her daughter off to college, is now enrolled in courses to finish her business degree, and is very active in her church. Way to go Missy - You so deserve this!
This house is only about 10 homes down the street from where my son lives, so the joke Missy ends with about the commute is supposed to be funny. Click here to see what I mean!
I know I shared with some of you about a certain project I am working on this month. Just a reminder --- if you want to be involved, the dead line is Nov. 16. That is only 20 days out! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at scrbkmaniac@aol.com. Thanks!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
An Apology to a Dear Friend!

Ashley, myself, and Kim lunching at Olive Garden back in July.
Kim is full of energy and zip. She always has plans and an agenda. She is one of the most godly wives I know of and has been a large influence on me. She so deserves some special attention. I'll get to see her at church in a bit, at which time I will give her a special, although belated, card and gift.
I met Kim years ago when we both lived in Cambridge, Ohio. My dad was Kim's pastor! Kim was about 12 years old when we first met. She quickly became my sister, Rita's, best friend. We moved away a few years later. When Rita and Clint married, Kim was a bridesmaid in the wedding in Florida. She met her hubby Mike at the rehearsal dinner. Mike was the assistant manager of the restaurant. They really hit it off!
After the wedding, we talked her parents into letting her stay with my family in Florida for an extra week or so. She and Mike were able to get to know each other better and were married a couple of years later. They now have three beautiful daughters and live right here in the Tampa Bay area. We attend the same church now and have so much in common. I think I have stolen her from Rita! They were always so close, being that they were closer in age, but now that Kim and I are both "older", we have grown so close.
I love you Kim and hope your dinner out with your hubby was extra special!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Lettuce with added Protein!!
I received the following picture from Patti. Isn't it great she is home and has felt well enough to be on line a bit? Look closely at the photo! It seems a polywog was bagged when they prewashed the lettuce and matured in the bag!! I think I may just stick to buying fresh heads of lettuce! What about you?
Just spent some time with Patti, she was not feeling very well. was having a little cramping, and ,I'm afraid it was my fault. I brought a pot roast to Todd before she was discharged, and she decided to eat some, or as she said, she inhaled it! Most likely this was not the best choice for her fragile colon, so she is paying the price.
She has to stick to oatmeal, grits, soups, light low fiber foods, she has 2 more weeks to go and needs to be strong and infection free to sugery.
I'll keep updating you until she feels like doing it herself, keep praying and God bless you all,
MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2007 05:51 PM, CDT
Patti had a good day, she was able to work for about 4 hours, stomach, etc., all behaving, praise God! It was a very love filled, positive, light at the end of the tunnel day for her. I made her some yummy chicken soup that she'll be eating tomorrow, NO MORE ROASTS! Sorry LB, you wont be eating any of that.....
Today she sounded like Patti, I could detect from her voice that she was happy. Don't let your guards down, she still has a while to go and needs all your prayers.
God bless you!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Happy Anniversary to Me!
I just love blogging and feel it has been quite an experience. I've enjoyed watching families grow, children learn, young women become better housewives, engaged gals prepare for marriage, and most importantly, I've been privileged to watch God work! He has answered so many prayers during this past year for those in my blogging community. I know I will never meet some of you, some of you I know already, some of you are family members or friends of family, some of you I may get the opportunity to meet. With that all said, I feel touched and honored each and every time any of you leave me a comment. I live for them! It humbles me to think that anyone would care to take a few minutes of their time to check my blog. It amazes me! I have grown to think of you all as dear friends.
Now I know most people have drawings or something special for big milestones in this blogging journey. I tried all day to think up something and I've drawn a blank. Any suggestions?
Once again, thanks for putting up with me for an entire year and for you Miss Jackie M.---A GREAT, BIG THANK YOU my dear for introducing me to the world of BLOG!!
Do You Need A Good Giggle or Two??
PS: Oh and the Battle King (Shane) posted some photos!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Patti Is Home!
Well...... SHE IS HOME!!!!!!!! When she walked in her house she broke down and started to cry, overwhelmed of being back home and thanking the Lord for making it possible.
She'll update you when she gets stronger, in the meantime, I'll continue to do so.
God bless you prayer warriors, keep praying!
I was thrilled to read the above posting in my email this afternoon. I know that after so many days in the hospital, home is such a comfort. Thank you again for all your prayers and concern for my sweet friend.
We had a wonderful mid-week service at our church last night. A young, visiting evangelist by the name of Jason Tester, presented an awesome sermon which made us consider this question:
"What are you doing with your sins? You are either CONFESSING them, or COVERING them!" Of course, he was speaking mostly to saved individuals who have already accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour.
He shared a couple of his failures when he, as a Christian teen and later as a pastoral college student, had tried to cover his sins rather than dealing with them. His transparancy had each one of us listening attentively and tears were shed as we saw how his sins were found out and he had to deal with them eventually. The teens of our church were in the service rather than in the back classroom, in their usual Wednesday night setting. I am so glad, because much food for thought was offered them in last night's sermon. I was also taken back in time to occassions I had sinned and tried to cover them. Then once that thing had been brought to light, and made right through true confession, oh what joy, what delight!
One of the illustrations given by Bro. Tester last night was at the end of his sermon. When in college, he came face to face with the guilt of a couple of UNCONFESSED sins he had committed while in high school and still living at home. Finally, after allowing the Holy Spirit to really get ahold of his heart and work in his life, he confessed to the Lord his sin he had been hiding for 7 years. He then wrote a long, heart felt letter to his dad, being honest and including his first pay check to pay his dad back for some money he had stolen for basketball shoes and later track shoes. His dad called him after receiving the letter and check and said, "Jason, I knew you had taken that money." Jason said back to his father, "Why didn't you tell me you knew?" Guess how his father responded? "Jason, I was simply waiting for you to come to me first!" Our Heavenly Father feels the same way as Jason's dad did! He loves us so, but waits patiently for us to come to Him with our sins and confessions. We can never simply HIDE our sins from God.
Of course, the amazing scripture of Psalm 66:18 was used, "If I regard iniquity(sin) in my heart, the Lord will not hear me."
Another point that was put forth very clearly was this: to have good success and a prosperous life, we must maintain the right relationship with our Lord. We wonder why our lives are falling apart sometimes and it seems things just aren't going well for us, but we aren't in the Word daily, we have no real prayer life, we aren't faithful to the house of God, we aren't sharing our faith, God is on the back burner until Sunday morning. Joshua 1:8 says: "This book of the law shall depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to ALL that is written therein: for then thou shalt make they way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."
I've learned through my life as a Christian that God certainly blesses OBEDIENCE! It isn't always easy to do what I know is right, but it is rewarding!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Random Tidbits
I spoke with Patti a couple of hours ago and it seems she may go home tomorrow. We were hoping it would be today but that didn't happen. They are weaning her off of the IVs and have fed her some solid foods. Let's pray she can keep them down. Some of her final words to me were "I just want my home!"
Yesterday was spent with hubby and Shane. Agustin was off so he took me to my appointment at my surgeon's office. It was a routine check up after my biopsy a few weeks ago. He wanted me to clearly understand that the needle core biopsy had not removed the entire lump but due to the results coming back benign, I had the choice of letting him go in and surgically remove the remaining lump, or just keeping a close watch on things until May, at which time I am scheduled for new mammograms. I chose the latter.
After the appointment, we went to Red Lobster for lunch, and then home to finish school with Shane. While Agustin took Shane to the park for soccer, I took a nice long nap!
Today has been productive, Yippee! Made 6 necessary phone calls, cleaned both bathrooms, vacuumed entire house, taught 4 subjects to Shane, and now am in the process of grilling burgers and prepping for supper, so gotta run. I may post a bit after church tonight!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Good News About Patti
It was nice being in the Lord's house today. Shane had his program for Patch tonight. His group had two beautiful songs they performed after reciting their scriptures. The 2nd song was a little more difficult than other songs they have learned. It was a combination of "Amazing Grace" tied in with "Grace, Grace, God's Grace". Shane had told me Wednesday night after Patch Club that Jon Yates, our music director, had come into their classroom to work with them on their music because one of the songs they would be performing Sunday night was *quite sophisticated"!! (Shane's words!)
If you have time to read the update on Patti below, I think you will receive a blessing. Our prayers are working, but all in God's time. It is my nature to want to just "fix" her and have it all be over and better for Patti. As I look at her life, I realize how God has been prepping her for this *interruption* for some time now. She has been awesome through this time of trials. My dad stopped by the hospital to visit with her Friday evening and said he left there so encouraged and blessed by her! Her spirit was so sweet, no bitterness there! Isn't that awesome!
Love you guys and thanks for leaving all the wonderful, loving comments for both Patti and I! Have a great week!
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2007 09:03 PM, CDT
Hi everyone!
Well, prayers are definitely working for our Patti. Her Oncologist told her he has never seen a person with migraines as bad and as often as hers. He started her on Ativan, she was taking this nausea medicine with her Chemo, if the Hospital would have checked her records they would have realized she needed it, a half an hour after she took it, her migraine and nausea were gone, praise God! She also started on the preventative medicine for her migraines.
She had a rough evening and morning until she took that medicine, then she had peace and great relief. She was able to eat grits and mashed potatoes, she said it felt like a Thanksgiving Meal, the hunger part is now gone, if the food agrees with her, she would be able to eat that and a liquid diet until her November surgery. Last night while she was in such pain told me "When I get well, I'm going to eat my way back to a size 14!) Here she is after working so hard to loose weight, they are feeding her from a fat bag, all they had to do was connect the tube directly from me to her and she wouldn't have to see it drain!
Okay, no more jokes, let's just be thankful that she feels better and that your prayers are being heard, but remember, keep on lifting her up in prayer until she is completely recovered from her upcoming surgery. She wont be going home tomorrow, they are keeping her for a couple of days more.
God bless you and keep you,
Saturday, October 13, 2007
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2007 04:16 PM, CDT
What a wonderful day, isn't it?
Our Patti is soooo much better! She has comeback to the world of the living, yeah, praise God!!!!
She slept last night, feels stronger, she is celebrating the fact that today she can eat yogurt, imagine that.....Her MRI does not show anything to be concerned about. The doctor believes that her continuos migraines are because the medicine she has been taking for so long, she needs to be off of it, he seems to think that the medicine instead of helping is the cause of the pain. He wants to take her off of it slowly and from today on she will be on preventitive medicine daily, I pray to God that this works so she wont have to suffer anymore, the second choice will be a head transplant, (I'm joking!)
Again, thank you for the love and the prayers, in 6 weeks she'll go through another journey, her surgery.
Keep on lifting her up in prayer until she reaches the goal line, what a happy day that will be!
God bless,
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2007 08:23 PM, CDT
Well, it was good while it lasted, so warriors, do your thing!
She had her yogurt and the migraine came back full force as well as her nausea. I called her a minute ago to see how she was doing and she was crying from the pain, she kept on saying how good she felt today and then this happened. She said she did not want for me to know so I would not worry, I told her that I need to know what to ask our Father when I pray for her.
She is concerned that people think she is whiney, well, SHE IS NOT! What Patti has been through and continues to go through is not easy. Being told that you have cancer, having a double mastectomy, that it is very hard to accept, in the middle of getting rid of the cancer she was told there is something else wrong with her, and this problem is a delicate problem that is making her suffer and loose tremendous amounts of weight, top it all with migraines. Have any of you ever have one of those? I've had 2 in my lifetime so far and I wanted to rip my head off from the umbearable pain.
Next month, surgery again! If God could just take those bad boys away, it would be so much easier on her. I told her that it was okay to cry, we are human beings with feelings, and when things get so bad, we cry out... Christ did, He cried, He moaned , He asked his Father why was He forsaking Him.... I think she is allowed to manifest her suffering.
I admire her so much, that smile that lights up the world no matter how worried she is, what a trooper! When my journey comes I want to be like her, she is such a testimony, you can see God in her, his strength, his peace, his love....
Well, keep on praying with all of your heart that the pain goes away and she can have a peaceful night.
God bless,
Oh and great news on Patti. She is experiencing less pain and was able to eat a small amount of oatmeal Friday. She is scheduled for an MRI, as they look for the causes of the constant migraines. Its about time!!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for approaching the throne of the Father on her behalf. Please continue to keep her in your prayers though as she still has much to face. I wish I had the words to truly express the gratitude I feel for your prayers and concerns for a dear friend of mine. Once again, thank you very much!
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2007 10:09 AM, CDT
Good morning,
I just spoke with Patti and she was able to sleep last night!! Thank you, thank you all! She is reading all your comments and feels extremely blessed by the love and the prayers, she feels this awesome power working to heal her , she knows the prayers are working, praise God!
She still has a headache and nausea, but she sounds stronger, sleeping last night gave her strength. Today she is having a CT scan of her stomach and also, I'm happy about this, an MRI of the head, a Neurologist is also involved now, that is a good thing, she can't continue having these awful migraines on top of everything else.
I'll be going to the Hospital today and plan to stay a long time with her. I'll update you later on. Keep the prayers going!!!!!!
God bless you all,
My Stick Family

BTW: It's very obvious what my hubby and boys are interested in, but choosing the proper figure for myself was slightly more complicated. You see - I no longer play sports due to my RA. (I use to love to play volleyball and baseball)I do walk regularly, but didn't really see a figure for that. I was tempted to use the full figured female body relying on a walking cane!! LOL But Shane and I agreed that would be a little depressing. So ... as you can see, I finally settled on designing myself carrying a SHOPPING BAG!!! LOL Shopping is something I can do well!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Peaceful Sleep Needed
Raisa wrote the following:
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2007 04:53 PM, CDT
I just got a phone call from Patti, she is absolutely falling apart , she was crying asking me to let everybody knows that she needs prayers so she can sleep.
In my opinion she is doing worse this time than last time, last time they were able to control the pain after a couple of days, this time is not only pain, nausea, migraine, hunger, yes, she is very hungry, but says that she can't drink anything on that liquid diet, only water. All the meds they are giving her are helping some but not enough for her to be able to sleep peacefully, I feel so helpless when she hurts... I love her and hate to see her in such despair, I know God is in control and won't give her more than she can handle, however, someone like her, always so positive and faithful to the Lord, when she cries out, it is very hard to handle.
Please call your friends from other churches and ask them for prayers. That is better than any medicine, than any doctor.
God bless you all,
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
My Heart Is Heavy
Hello everyone, yes, it is Raisa again!
As you all know Patti is back in the hospital, she updated her journal before she left, it is about time I help her by letting you know what is going on.
Since she was admitted, her migraines have not stopped, she says they are the worst migraines she has ever had, she thinks it is the nutritional bag they are feeding her intravenously, however, she has to have this supplement.
Yesterday they took her to have the infected pocket drained, the first time, she was not awake and felt nothing, this time it was a different story, for some reason she was fully awake and felt it all. She says it was horrible, and to top it all of she was experiencing a horrible migraine and overwhelming nausea. She had a real bad night, no matter what medicine they gave her, did not help her pain and she was throwing up all night.
She continues with migraines and with bad nausea, the doctor is trying another pain killer to see if it helps, our sweet Patti is definitely going through a lot right now and urgently needs our prayers.
She is having her surgery (removal of part of colon) Nov 6th, she'll have to keep her drain on until then. I'm sorry I have to be the bearer of bad news but I'm sure you want to know.
God bless you all and please pray, pray, pray!!!!!
Bienvenidos a La Casa de Rios
I found the link to this fun activity at Jungle Mom's blog. I just had to play along!
Based on your drawing and the 10 answers you gave this is a summary of your personality:
Your house tells the world that you ought to be a leader.
You are a freedom lover and a strong person.
You are shy and reserved.
If you've drawn a cross on each of windows, you always want to live alone.
You are very tidy person.
There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends.
Your life is always full of changes.
You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible.
You love excitement and create it wherever you go.
You see the world as it is, not as you believe it should be.
You added a flower into your drawing.
The flower signifies that you long for love.
We also see that you are ___________, ____________, and _________ ____________.
(I thought it wise to not include what went in the blanks. Boy, I never knew that including flowers in my yard could have such an impact!)
You don't think much about yourself.
I've Missed You All!
What can I say except that things have been super busy around here! Shane's schooling is going full steam ahead. He is enjoying fourth grade and doing so well. I just love teaching that kid! He blesses my heart each and every day.
Agustin and I have had some business details to deal with and that seems to be taking up alot more of my time than I would like.
I've had some fun outings over the weekend. Friday night, we met my brother, John, at Red Lobster for dinner, then went home with him to play Monopoly. Shane is really into that game right now. With all the math skills involved, I am doing all I can to keep him interested in it too.
My eldest son hadn't left the house for his dinner appointment yet, so we had a short while to visit together. He looked good and seemed pretty excited about branching out on his own to do a side job of installing wood floors with a friend on Saturday. He works a regular job with his Uncle John in consturction/carpentry; always under the supervision of his Uncle. This flooring job was something completely on his own. I'm happy for him!
Saturday was laundry and shopping for groceries and supplies. I usually do my grocery shopping during the week, (less people=less stress) but got thrown off my normal schedule this past week. Why do people dare go to any Walmart on Saturday? I hope I remember to NOT do that again! Whew! Saturday evening was used to prepare for church the next day. I like to iron and lay out all of our clothes on Saturday night so things will be less hectic on Sunday morning.
After church Sunday morning, Shane went home with our friend Mike and his daughter Alex, while Kim, Ashley, and I went to lunch at Olive Garden, then to the mall. I had given Ashley a gift certificate from Dillard's for her 18th birthday a few weeks ago. I felt honored she invited me to go with her and her mom to spend it! Now I must stop here and exclaim : I had two boys, no daughters! Going shopping with an animated drama queen can prove quite entertaining! I was awe struck at how different Kim's life has been from mine. She has reared/is rearing 3 beautiful girls. I have 2 handsome boys. Shopping just isn't the same with boys as it is with girls! I had such a good time listening to Ashley and her mom interact with one another and watching her model all the clothes that were picked out by her mom and I. She settled on something that I think she picked out for herself. It was a beautiful skirt and blouse which will work great for college next year. I was also introduced to a store for "little people", and by that I mean, girls much smaller than myself. I was in stores I never dared to enter before! NOTHING in that store would fit even my big toe! Good Gravy!
Oh and before leaving the mall, we three gals just had to take a walk in Saks Fifth Avenue. No, we didn't purchase anything there, but it was fun oohing and ahhing and touching!!
After the mall, we stopped in at Coldstone Creamery Ice Cream Shop! My first time there! Oh my goodness! I will be going back!!
Monday my mom called to share some great news with me. She was able to lead a dear lady to Christ during the Sunday morning invitation at their church.
I've received two important emails today from two of my dearest friends in the world. One is a big "PRAISE THE LORD FOR ANSWERED PRAYER" email. The second is a big "REQUEST FOR MORE PRAYER" email from dear Patti. I will post them here for all to read.
Praise E-Mail from Kim: (concerning her daughter who is a voice major at Pensacola Christian College)
Amber called and after seeing the ENT in Pensacola, having her throat scoped, he reported to her that her vocal nodules are gone!!! She still needs to be evaluated for speech therapy to prevent further damage, but what an answer to prayer!!!
The Lord knew she really needed good news.
Prayer Request Email from Patti: (having just completed her chemo treatments but enduring others health issues)
MONDAY, OCTOBER 08, 2007 01:12 PM, CDT
Dear friends and family,
Just a note to let you know that I am on the way to St. Joe's to be admitted to put the drain back in my stomach. The catscan from last week shows that the abcess is back in the same place, and when I saw the surgeon this morning, she said it's not something to wait around on because it could perforate the colon.
Hopefully the drain can be put in today, if not, Tuesday morning, depending on their schdeule. I don't know how long I'll be in. The doctor is going to put me back on IV antibiotics and then we'll see in a few days I guess.
She said I may need the drain until we can do the colon surgery, sometime mid November.
I'll be glad to get relief from the stomach discomfort. It's just another bump in the road. I know that the Lord has it all under control.
Have I thanked you recently for your journal comments? They mean so much for me to look on here and see a note from you.
Thank you, thank you for your prayers!!
"Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand;
But I know Who holds tomorrow,
And I know Who holds my hand."
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Two Names You Go By: Mom, Tia
Two Things you are wearing right now: gown and headband to hold my bangs back
Two Things you would want (or have) in a relationship: loyalty and deep communication
Two Things you like to do: play Monopoly with Shane and hubby, watch Shane discover something new
Two Things you want very badly at this moment: to see God allowed back into His rightful place in America; spiritual strength in the lives of some very close family members
Two Things you did last night: met my sister, her hubby, and 2 daughter at Olive Garden for supper; went to mid-week prayer meeting
Two Things you ate today: grilled chicken panini, roasted red peppers
Two People you spoke last to: Husband and youngest son
Two Things you're doing tomorrow: teaching Shane(homeschooling), shopping with hubby
Two Longest car rides: California to South Carolina when I was 9 years old; Tampa, FL to Queretaro, Mexico when my first born was 5 years old
Two Favorite holidays: Thanksgiving and Christmas
Two Favorite beverages: Diet Coke; Crystal Light Peach Tea
Two Jobs I have had in my life: Customer Service Manager for a retail store, Church Secretary
Two Movies I would watch over and over: "One Night With the King"; "Facing the Giants"
Two Places I have lived: Fortuna, California and Queretaro, Mexico
Two of My Favorite foods: Grilled steak; Turkey & Dressing Casserole
Two Places I'd rather be right now: visiting with my first born son, at my sister's home visiting with her
Two People I'm tagging to do this meme: Beach Kat and Frazzled Farm Wife
You Scored an A |
![]() You got 10/10 questions correct. It's pretty obvious that you don't make basic grammatical errors. If anything, you're annoyed when people make simple mistakes on their blogs. As far as people with bad grammar go, you know they're only human. And it's humanity and its current condition that truly disturb you sometimes. |
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Please Pray For Patti!
Dear Friends and Family,
What a difference a day makes.
I'm writing to ask you to please pray for me. It seems that severe symptoms have set in, and they are pretty bad.
I have large blisters on the inside of my throat that hurt really bad, my hands are burnt again, the yucky bone aches are horrible...and on top of that, the diverticulitis is causing pretty bad constant stomach pain, enough to curl my toes and double me over.
Ok, enough of that. Lets smile a little.
I'm reading a book by Stan Toler called "The Buzzards Are Circling, But God's Not Finished With Me Yet". I have to share some of the chapter titles with you.
**when your world crumbles, you don't have to be one of the crumbs (you can survive your situation)
**life is full of uncertainty...but i could be wrong about that (gaining confidence in tough times)
**God created the world in six days and did not once ask my advice! (letting God take control of the situation)
**hold the phone! can't we talk about this first, Lord? (God uses testing times as building times)
**help, i've fallen, and i don't want to get up (settling the issues that hinder healing)
**the undertaker may be smiling, but God's not finished with me yet (finding hope above the hardship)
Thank you again for your prayers.
Still blessed,
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
God Thought of Me Today!
Please remember Mishel and her mom in your prayers. Mishel would love to be able to leave Alabama and return home to her family in California. Yet she doens't want to leave her mom until all is well. I know she would appreciate prayers from fellow believers!
Mishel posted the following quotes on her blog this week. They were EXACTLY what I needed! Of course, my God knew that! She has taken them out of a daily devotional book by Dr. Paul Chappell.
"We all have needs that come into our lives, and each time of need presents an opportunity for us to either trust God or worry."
"Peace is not found in the absence of trouble, but in the presence of God."
"It's one thing to hear the words of God, but it's another thing to grab hold of them and believe them to be true in your own life."
Monday, October 01, 2007
Latest Journal Entry by Patti

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2007 02:54 PM, CDT
Dear Friends and Family,
First, for the good news: I had my last chemotherapy this past Thursday, the 27th! yippee!! I actually got a graduation diploma with a purple heart on it, signed by all the nurses and my doctor. How cool is that!
The bad news is that somehow I've gotten a flare up of my diverticulitis, and yesterday had to call the doctor, my fever was 102.5. He said it was too early for it to be related to the treatment, and with the cramping, it was just another flare up of the previous problem. He prescribed me 2 strong antibiotics and said hopefully by Monday I'll be feeling better.
Next Wednesday, the 3rd, I'll be having a cat scan of the abdomen in preparation for the upcoming colon surgery, which will probably be at least in 5-6 weeks. I met with one surgeon last week, but he doesn't do the laproscopy, and if I qualify, that's what I'd prefer to have done. He recommended a colleague that does the laproscopy, and my appointment with her is Monday, 10/8. I'll get more information about when she can do the surgery then.
My big concern is that we don't want to do the surgery as an emergency surgery with infection or inflammation....they said the ideal way is to go in as preventative surgery so it lessens the recuperative stage.
This past treatment, #3, was by far the worst of them all. The side effects lasted all through out the whole 3 weeks, and were pretty severe. So, I don't really know what the next 3 weeks will hold. I'm just glad that it is the last treatment. How thankful I am!
When I got into the car to come home from my treatment, I had a CD of the Booth Brothers in my CD player, and this is what came on:
Yesterday's Battles
I've lived through days filled with heartache and pain;
And prayed to the Father to take them away;
Then I heard Him whisper, "I'm always with you,
I hold tomorrow, I'll bring you through."
Yesterday's trials give me strength for today,
And they serve to remind me that He'll make a way.
The nighttime is over, and now I can see
That yesterday's battles are today's victory.
Isn't that amazing that is the first song that I would hear? My God is so good to give me His peace that passes all understanding. I trust Him with my life.
Keep trusting!
p.s. Thank you for praying for me!