Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem. Barack Hussein Obama's photo (that's his real name)......the photo here is worth a thousand words! Does he deserve to be the next Commander in Chief if he can't pledge his allegiance to our beloved flag and country? What is your opinion?
Had a Democratic family member email me this today---they are outraged!! Does he not feel any allegience to our flag????
I say, none of them need to be elected!!LOL
May the most God-fearing candidate win!!
And then you have Hilary??? The WOMAN who can't control her own husband, do you think she will be able to control the men of Washington?
Besides, she shouldn't control any man!
Don't even get me started.
Or I will have to vote for Larry or anyone of the other veggie tales. I can't vote for Mickey Mouse cause he's too liberal, also.
Grace can't come home for Thanksgiving... it is almost 900.00 to fly during the holiday. I can't afford it and refuse to pay that much money for Grace to eat turkey, sleep and do laundry. So we decided to have our Thanksgiving this weekend while she is home.
refusse to pay the airlines that amount when she is flying this weekend for 200.00.
Someone emailed me this, too.
If a picture's worth a thousand words, then...
Don't think you want me to get started on this either.
I agree with Pat, "May the most God-fearing candidate win!!
Oh my soul...how disgusting is that? But expected does it really surprise you? Not me...honestly, Fred Thompson seems the most promising at this point.
I'm saddened (and a tad bit angry) by the apparent disrespect he is showing. And this man is running for President? Give me a break!
I'm glad you're taking part in the November challenge. It's great to have you on board! =)
I have no words!!!!
He equates overt shows of patriotism with warmongering. It’s a liberal thing. Rush tells a story of a jet flyby and one liberal saying something to the effect of “Oh how terrible!” The occasion was Clinton’s inauguration and the person next to that liberal said “No, no, they’re our jets now!” Obama will be plenty patriotic when the military is his.
I agree about Obama not deserving to be President...but then neither does Hillary!! I'd not seen this picture. It made me so angry to see it.
CERTAINLY NOT! And with a NAME like that?????!!!!!
Just unbeliveable!
I also received this e-mail. I'm so thankful fot the internet, e-mails and blogs that get this type of information out to all of us.
I checked this out on SNOPES and it's true.
If you don't support the country you live in...go live in the country you support!
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