Monday, January 15, 2007

You Tell Me!!!

I have a fun idea! Since most of you who visit my blog also visit my sister's blog (The Jungle Hut), you will notice she posted about the three different types of men perusing Debi Pearl's book, "Created To Be His Help Meet". She asked if we knew which type of man we are married to. I certainly do, but here is where my little game begins! Read her post if you aren't familiar with the book. Then come back here and leave me a comment as to which man you think I am married to. I can't wait to see your opinions. Your choices are 1) Mr. Command Man, 2) Mr. Steady Man, 3) Mr. Visionary Man. Later, I will reveal who the true Agustin is.

Here are a few hints in photos to help you figure him out!

Attending Shane after Shane's Baptism.

Taking his sons to the air show at MacDill Airforce Base!

Hugging his sister Ruth goodbye as she and her family leave for Argentina as missionaries!

Catching a few minutes to watch a football game with his son Josh, before heading out the door for work!

Playing a skills game at Busch Gardens with Shane!

Training his line employees about the new menu and computer system!
(In the black chef coat)

Being a loving and handsome husband to me! Josh's Senior Homecoming!


Rita Loca said...

I am going to say, Steady Man. Although, he has his command moments.

Kimberly said...

This is so funny! The girls and I were "typing " men we know. We had already decided he is a " Mr. Steady". said...

Mom is right! We were labelling the guys we knew and we guessed that he was a "Mr. Steady."

Oh, and I will email you those pics tonight!

Jackie said...

What a neat idea Aunt Pam. Way to go you! I guess Mr. Steady with a dash of Mr. Command Man.

~*♥Verja♥*~ said...

The pictures are adorable!!