Thanks for your prayers for my friend Sally. Her surgery went well and they were able to remove the kidney by a laproscopy surgery. Faster healing time! Our only complaint was that the surgery, which was scheduled for 1:00 p.m. actually began at 5:30 p.m.! Poor Sally had been there since about 11:00 a.m. for prep, waiting for it all just to be over. She did very well though and seemed very calm. Of course, they may have given her a little something to help with the nerves! She is recovering well and is hoping to go home in another day or two.
The fellowship we had Tuesday in the hospital was great! Everyone there was a born again Christian, most were fellow church members of Sally's and her family. Agustin was able to stay until about 2:45. He needed to get some nourishment before heading into work. My parents, Shane, Agustin and I went to one of our all time favorite Chinese restaurants, Lee Gardens, which is located about one minute from the hospital! After lunch, he went on to work while the rest of us returned to the hospital to find they hadn't taken Sally into surgery yet. So we all kept taking turns going in and out of Sally's room visiting with her in shifts. Missy snuck fast food in for Harold, (Sally's hubby),which he had to come out into the waiting area to eat. She hadn't had a bite since Saturday, only pure liquids. It was now Tuesday. He didn't want to torment her!
A big highlight of the day was having the opportunity to talk with Sally's brother-in- law who is a World War 2 veteran. He told Shane of a few battles he was in. One story that I found so interesting was about the time the Japanese attacked the military hospital (tent) with bayonettes. That was a blatant violation of international law! This young man of 18 was inthe platoon which had to go after those enemies that night. What a story! He told Shane that when he plays his battle games on computer or playstation, to always look for high ground to have the benefit of observaton. Also to select as his arm, a BAR. (Browning Automatic Rifle) That was all the rage during WW2! Shane found that to be awesome inside info! Mr. Bob also told Shane about some fun times. He said he would volunteer for barge duty to take the groceries from the ship to the PX on shore. The reason being that he could get himself a big ol' helping of Planter's Peanuts in a can! Everyone else would have to buy their's at the PX! I had Shane shake his hand and tell him thank you for fighting for our country. Of course, I took a photo which will be posted eventually.
On another note, I asked the vet what he thought about the war we are in now. He simply said, "We could win it and be on out of there if we weren't being so politically correct. That is what is killing us. We have the know how and everything we need to win and and win fast, but we are trying to please too many other countries." To which I had to say a hearty "AMEN"!
I was very tired and swollen by evening, but had my heart set on attending services at Florida Baptist College. So at 6:15 p.m., Shane and I caught a ride with Missy B. over to West Gate where the college days events were taking place. Shane's church pants had been folded up in his suitcase all day and were very wrinkled. I had a plan! When we got to the church, I asked Missy to watch Shane while I ran upstairs to the girls dorms and borrowed an iron! I saw someone I knew right away upon entering the lobby. I told Shane to have a seat on the bench around the large fountain and wait. He told me, "OK mom, but I don't feel good about this." Not sure what he meant and I didn't have time to ask! So up in the dorms, already set up in the hallway was an ironing board and iron. YAY! As I'm ironing, I recieved hugs and greetings from some of my favorite girls. (Katelin and Callie) They acted so happy and surprised to see me! I loved it of course! So I ran back downstairs to Shane and Missy. Missy went to save us seats in the auditorium and Shane and I went to find restrooms to change in. We ran into another one of my favorite people - Ashley L.! She stood outside the men's restroom door with Shane's bags and things to watch out for him while I went into the ladie's room to brush my teeth and freshen my makeup. We then regrouped and visited with several friends and I am happy to announce we made it into the auditorium with time to spare! But I was so swollen and burning up! So hot! I prayed, "Lord, you've got to get me through this service!" Of course He did. I know Sherry and Paul who sat behind me must have thought I had worms in my pants or something. I had to wiggle and move so often. My back muscles were simply worn out from sitting all day I guess and were contracting! Is that crazy or what? But I am so glad I toughed it out. The service was so worth it! It was my first time to hear Kenny Baldwin, who reminds me of preachers I heard as a girl growing up in the buckle of the Bible belt, Greenville, S.C.!!!He played the piano as lively as he preached! The special music by the college tour group was stupendous, even though two of the singers had sore throats. The altar was full at altar call and the Holy Spirit led Pastor Turner to have what seemed a second invitation for a specific calling. The altar was filled again. It was quite exciting!
When church had finished, my parents were in the parking lot waiting for Shane and I. We were all pooped. They had missed service to stay at the hospital with Sally's family and to be sure all looked well before leaving. We went through a drive thru, on the way to their home, and Agustin came and picked Shane and I up after he got off work. We got home around 1:30 Wednesday morning. Needless to say to you who know me -- I was in bed until 3:30 or so Wed. afternoon.
Now today, Friday, Shane and I are off to visit my two aunts down in Sun City. Aunt Tommy is leaving for her home in Indiana on Sunday and we wanted to be sure to see her one more time before she departs from us. My Aunt Donna is cooking a big country meal for us! Pinto beans, ham, cabbage, and much more! It will be a precious day.
The fellowship we had Tuesday in the hospital was great! Everyone there was a born again Christian, most were fellow church members of Sally's and her family. Agustin was able to stay until about 2:45. He needed to get some nourishment before heading into work. My parents, Shane, Agustin and I went to one of our all time favorite Chinese restaurants, Lee Gardens, which is located about one minute from the hospital! After lunch, he went on to work while the rest of us returned to the hospital to find they hadn't taken Sally into surgery yet. So we all kept taking turns going in and out of Sally's room visiting with her in shifts. Missy snuck fast food in for Harold, (Sally's hubby),which he had to come out into the waiting area to eat. She hadn't had a bite since Saturday, only pure liquids. It was now Tuesday. He didn't want to torment her!
A big highlight of the day was having the opportunity to talk with Sally's brother-in- law who is a World War 2 veteran. He told Shane of a few battles he was in. One story that I found so interesting was about the time the Japanese attacked the military hospital (tent) with bayonettes. That was a blatant violation of international law! This young man of 18 was inthe platoon which had to go after those enemies that night. What a story! He told Shane that when he plays his battle games on computer or playstation, to always look for high ground to have the benefit of observaton. Also to select as his arm, a BAR. (Browning Automatic Rifle) That was all the rage during WW2! Shane found that to be awesome inside info! Mr. Bob also told Shane about some fun times. He said he would volunteer for barge duty to take the groceries from the ship to the PX on shore. The reason being that he could get himself a big ol' helping of Planter's Peanuts in a can! Everyone else would have to buy their's at the PX! I had Shane shake his hand and tell him thank you for fighting for our country. Of course, I took a photo which will be posted eventually.
On another note, I asked the vet what he thought about the war we are in now. He simply said, "We could win it and be on out of there if we weren't being so politically correct. That is what is killing us. We have the know how and everything we need to win and and win fast, but we are trying to please too many other countries." To which I had to say a hearty "AMEN"!
I was very tired and swollen by evening, but had my heart set on attending services at Florida Baptist College. So at 6:15 p.m., Shane and I caught a ride with Missy B. over to West Gate where the college days events were taking place. Shane's church pants had been folded up in his suitcase all day and were very wrinkled. I had a plan! When we got to the church, I asked Missy to watch Shane while I ran upstairs to the girls dorms and borrowed an iron! I saw someone I knew right away upon entering the lobby. I told Shane to have a seat on the bench around the large fountain and wait. He told me, "OK mom, but I don't feel good about this." Not sure what he meant and I didn't have time to ask! So up in the dorms, already set up in the hallway was an ironing board and iron. YAY! As I'm ironing, I recieved hugs and greetings from some of my favorite girls. (Katelin and Callie) They acted so happy and surprised to see me! I loved it of course! So I ran back downstairs to Shane and Missy. Missy went to save us seats in the auditorium and Shane and I went to find restrooms to change in. We ran into another one of my favorite people - Ashley L.! She stood outside the men's restroom door with Shane's bags and things to watch out for him while I went into the ladie's room to brush my teeth and freshen my makeup. We then regrouped and visited with several friends and I am happy to announce we made it into the auditorium with time to spare! But I was so swollen and burning up! So hot! I prayed, "Lord, you've got to get me through this service!" Of course He did. I know Sherry and Paul who sat behind me must have thought I had worms in my pants or something. I had to wiggle and move so often. My back muscles were simply worn out from sitting all day I guess and were contracting! Is that crazy or what? But I am so glad I toughed it out. The service was so worth it! It was my first time to hear Kenny Baldwin, who reminds me of preachers I heard as a girl growing up in the buckle of the Bible belt, Greenville, S.C.!!!He played the piano as lively as he preached! The special music by the college tour group was stupendous, even though two of the singers had sore throats. The altar was full at altar call and the Holy Spirit led Pastor Turner to have what seemed a second invitation for a specific calling. The altar was filled again. It was quite exciting!
When church had finished, my parents were in the parking lot waiting for Shane and I. We were all pooped. They had missed service to stay at the hospital with Sally's family and to be sure all looked well before leaving. We went through a drive thru, on the way to their home, and Agustin came and picked Shane and I up after he got off work. We got home around 1:30 Wednesday morning. Needless to say to you who know me -- I was in bed until 3:30 or so Wed. afternoon.
Now today, Friday, Shane and I are off to visit my two aunts down in Sun City. Aunt Tommy is leaving for her home in Indiana on Sunday and we wanted to be sure to see her one more time before she departs from us. My Aunt Donna is cooking a big country meal for us! Pinto beans, ham, cabbage, and much more! It will be a precious day.

Persistence is one of your great qualities!!
What a great time for Shane to get a history lesson!! Make sure you count that as a school day!! He also got patience, conversational skills,Bible/ministry/prayer,
anatomy (understanding the kidney and medicine to treat it!! (science), plus count the second day as a field trip to a medical facility----nurses, doctors, techs, volunteers, custodial, clerical, support staff,....WOW what a learning time!! Count language for another day as Shane writes his get well cards and thank yous to the elderly gentleman!! (Of course that encompasses spelling and grammar!!)
I am so glad you will get to visit THE AUNTS---they are such a blessing to you!! And, shane gan glean soe home ec skills (helping to cook and set the table plus cleanup!!)
Can't wait to hear about your visit!!
Love the pictures. Sweet blog post. Can I cry?
4 thumbs up on your post!!
Pat - yes! He was an assistant to the nurse for quite a few things, passing her items she asked for and such. I do enjoy the actual field days out of the house which still can count as a super education!
Jayde - why thank you sweetie! Thanks for finally leaving a REAL comment!
I'm glad you were able to come! I wish I could've been more of a help to you, but I can't relieve pain. :( It was so nice to see another familiar face from church!
And I am so glad that Ms. Sally is doing better! I will continue to be in prayer for her!
What wonderful pictures and a beautiful family. May God bless each and every one of you.
You have a beautiful family. :)
Ashley - you're a doll!
Sherry and Rosemary - Thank you for your kind comments!
Glad to hear the surgery went well. Sorry to hear you were in pain for the meeting, but glad you had a good time despite it!
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