Thursday, August 28, 2008


I just popped over to Tiany's blog before heading off to bed. I was so dismayed to read the following post. Please, please lift this family up in prayer!

Aug. 26, 2008
Posted in Prayer Requests
Marsha of Our Homeschool Happenings is missing her 3 year old little boy right now and they are actively searching for him. They live near a wooded area and a pond. Please please pray that they find him. She too has little boys as do I and my heart stopped when I found out her sweet boy was missing. I felt like I would be sick. I can not imagine what our poor Marsha must be feeling as well as her family.Please pray that they find him safe and well!!!

UPDATE- Divers have ruled out the pond and are searching with Dogs now on land.

UPDATE: It is with a heavy and terribly broken heart I share with you that the divers pulled Marsha's sweet boy "Christian" from the pond behind their home. To write that out is more then I can bare! It hurts to think of the pain Marsha and her family are going through right now.Please lift Marsha her husband David, their two boys and their families in prayer. Keep them in your prayers in the coming days and weeks.


Rebecca said...

I can't imagine the pain they're going through.

Susan said...

Oh this is a terrible thing to face as I came to your blog to read. I cannot imagine the pain of that. I will certainly be lifting up this family today in prayer.

Webutante said...

Oh Pam, how very sorry I am to hear of this here. No words can express the heartbreak of this....only tears and more tears and prayers to somehow make it through what seems like an insurmountable tragedy....

sherry said...

Oh dear Lord. I can't imagine what they're going through at this time.

Oh dear Father, hold them close.

Prayer heavenward <><

Paula said...

I read this earlier today with tears in my eyes. How very sad! Praying for this family.

Anonymous said...

How truly sad our hearts are for this family!

We pray God's love and grace to fill them ---with a peace unnown to any of us!!

Thanks for sharing, Pam!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

So sad....I cannot even imagine what this family is and will go through!

Tonja said...

I just came over to welcome you to Gatherings. Please come back and visit again. I enjoyed reading over your blog, too. I see you have Florida Baptist College listed, we have students from there in our church quite often.

I am so sorry to hear of this mother's tragedy. I will pray for them. So, so sad.

Happy@Home said...

Hi Pam,

Thanks for stopping by to visit me and leaving such a sweet comment.

This is such a sad post. My heart goes out to this family and I will keep them in my prayers.

Kristi said...

Pam, this is such sad news. My heart is breaking for this family.


Humble wife said...

My heart broke to read this. OH I will pray for them...

I am without words.

candy said...

Ohh I am teribly sorry and saddened to read the update. My prayers go out to this family...

Thursday's Child said...

The Boss wandered off when he was 3. We're so thankful the dogs went with him and kept watch. There are ponds on adjoining properties (though not on ours) that he could have wandered into. Reading about little Christian just makes me so thankful for what we were spared.

God be with that family.