Saturday, August 20, 2011

Shane's First Karate Lesson

Well, we're back from our 2 month long vacay in W.V. where Shane enrolled in Karate lessons. My cousin opened his school in the small town of my birth. We've had many wonderful experiences this summer. I'd like to share them with you here on my blog in small doses. I took photos ad nauseam (Latin for "to the point of nausea")!

For starters, I'm posting the below photos for family members who have been begging for pictures of Shane in his "Gi". So now I proudly present to you my handsome son, Shane Rios!

First Night of Class. Instruction on proper way to tie the belt.


Instructor G. Justice

Sensei Justice welcomes his cousin John.

Some of the head gear Shane looked forward to using.

Below, some of Shane's drills a couple of weeks into lessons.

(before earning his gold belt.)

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