Well, I did feel up to eating at our favorite Mexican restaurant on Cinco de Mayo. However, the place was so crowded when we arrived at almost 9 p.m. that we just drove right on past. (boo-hoo) We did try a new southwestern cafe, "BUFFALO'S" which recently opened in town and boy did we enjoy it. I had the "Juanita Fajita Salad!!! So yummy!
Talked with my sis on the phone for about an hour today. We almost solved all the world's problems during that time! LOL
Shane is pressing on to finish his 4th grade curriculum. It's looking more and more like we'll have quite a bit of summer school---just trying to catch up. He's a good little student, but it seems we've had many distractions and interruptions this year. Sunday evening before last, he sang a solo in his Patch Program at church. Read all about it
HERE IN THIS NEWSPAPER ARTICLE!We were so proud of him. In the program at the end of May, he has a speaking part. He is growing not only physically, but spiritually as well. He is such a blessing to me.
For now, my son's skydiving adventure has been postponed. Many in his social cirlce are being wed or graduating this month, so many responsibilities are requiring their time these days. My son will be flying out to Lake Tahoe to be Best Man in his cousin's wedding on June 7th. He's working on a great speech for the event! It will be so cute and sweet, as Josh and his cousin have been so close throughout the years. They are polar opposites but great buddies. There are many wonderful memories between the two of them.
My Mom drove out to the house today. We had some Olive Garden gift cards for her to pick up. She will be using them as door prizes and gifts at the annual Mother and Daughter Tea she organizes each year for her church. This year's theme is "A REFRESHING TOUCH". I also had a dress and two suits for her to try on, as I've lost weight and inches, so most of my clothes hang awkwardly on me now! BOY OH, DID IT FEEL GOOD TO TYPE THAT LAST SENTENCE! I could have had my tailor take them in, but they really aren't my style anymore, besides which, my mother really liked them and needs them.
Saying I've lost weight in the above paragraph is a misnomer. I visited my primary care physician on Wednesday, all excited to weigh in. I just KNEW I'd lost 10 more lbs. or so. I mean, for goodness sakes, all my clothes are baggy. My walking shorts are falling down around my ankles if I walk too fast, (not really but almost), my rings and watches are too honking big. I was psyched to be weighed in! People, I had gained 3 lbs!!! You could have knocked me over with a feather! The poor nurse tried to console me. My blood pressure was excellent she said. I retorted back to her that I'm surprised it was so good cuz I felt it rise when I saw my weight. She offered to weigh me again. I climbed on those mean ol' scales and sure enough, it still had me up 3 lbs. from November's weight. Several staff tried comforting me, even dear ol' Doc. "I'm sure you've lost inches", he said. "Muscle weighs more than fat", says the nurse. "At least you look and feel better", offers my husband. YES 'tis true! I have been exercising more and eating healthier. I do have more energy and I must remember: "I AM 20 LBS. LIGHTER THAN I WAS THIS SAME TIME LAST YEAR!!! I recently purchased a few outfits, which were 2 sizes smaller than what I had been wearing. I shall continue on this journey of better health and weight loss. I will not be defeated!
Agustin had Monday and Tuesday off this week. Our family drove out to Clearwater Beach on Tuesday for some fun in the sun. I'm burned! I used a new sunblock which can only be purchased from the dermatologist's office, with a SPF of 65. I guess it wasn't water proof though! I'm burned! Thankfully I wore a hat all day, so my scalp and face were saved from frying. My arms, shoulders and legs are another story though.
My hubby has a busy rest of the week. It started Wednesday at work and will continue through Mother's Day. Extra chairs for waiting patrons on Sunday (mom's day), ordering and stocking of commodities and food items, $22,000.00 above regular budget. Extra dishes and glasses have been ordered and delivered. Many organizational projects have been completed in preparation of their biggest day of the year!
On May 22, another huge day, as Agustin conducts a large training session for new managers and execs. He has most preparations for that in place already.
I have many things on my heart and mind, many prayer requests which must remain unspoken for now.
It's that time of year, many weddings and graduations to be attended. I love all the excitement in the air!
Remember I once stated here that the Love Language I understand most is the gift of words? So now tell me, those of you who know me---am I looking thinner or not? Be honest! Most of you who read this blog don't know me in person, so you're off the hook! LOL I've found two photos for you to compare.
Here I am last August (2007). I'm in the center.
Here I am last week. May 2008

Have a splendid weekend!