It's that day of the week again! I just love Show and Tell Fridays. Thanks to Kelli for getting me hooked! If you would like to participate and increase visitors to your blog, just swing on over to Kelli's House to sign up on Mr. Linky. This is my third week to participate in this Show and Tell. Today, I am so pleased to show off Joshua Vernoy - my wonderful, witty, inteligent, affectionate, articulate, godly nephew! I wanted to focus on him today to brag on him of course, and to use this opportunity to solicit prayer on his behalf. He and a friend are flying to Venezuela today, May 18th, to visit Jungle Mom and Yekwana Man. (His parents!)
Please pray for God's protection at all airports, in flight. Pray for the pilots and mechanics. Pray for their safety while in Venezuela. It will be bitter sweet for Josh, knowing that his parents will be leaving the country which he knows best. Growing up in Venezuela as an MK (Missionary Kid), he adapted to the way of life and culture there. I remember when he would come visit us in the states, he would miss Venezuela so much! Oh and due to the change of climate and environment, he always had to be rushed to the nearest hospital for asthma attacks. It seemed the first week back to Florida was always so hard on his little system! Even though he was on meds and a nebulizer, I do remember one visit when he was about 3 years old, we were at St. Joseph's emergency room two nights in a row!
Josh was a blonde, blue eyed philosopher at the ripe age of TWO! He enjoyed sitting and watching the other children play. He was too ill as a youngster to really JOIN IN the fun. He seemed wise enough to discern that running and getting over heated would cause an asthma attack. But how he would giggle at the antics of his peers and cousins! Due to having so much down time, he had plenty of time to THINK and CONTEMPLATE!! I wish everyone reading this could sit a spell with Josh and converse with him. It is a pure pleasure!
Josh feels the calling of God upon him to preach. He feels lead to be a missionary to a latin country at this point. He is living in Tampa, where he has just concluded his second year at Florida Baptist College, majoring in Pastoral Studies. He has become quite the preacher boy and such a blessing to this Auntie's heart! I know God has something very special planned for Josh. I have so much more I could share, maybe in another post! Enjoy getting to know Josh better through these photos. As always, just click on the photo to enlarge it!
Easter 2006 - Josh played "Easter Bunny" for me and delivered the baskets I had made for all the dorm students at Florida Baptist! (Shane just LOVES his cousin Josh!)
Josh preaching his first sermon at the church his Grandpa pastors in Tampa.
Josh coming out of the .... wardrobe! This was taken in his college dorm room his freshman year.

Josh, Shane, and I after his second sermon.

Cute huh? This was after the service. He took his shoes off and placed them to the side of this special offering box. He then knelt behind it to look short. (He is already short, but seems to enjoy doing these kinds of things!)
Josh is a bus captain for West Gate Baptist Church here in Tampa. He designed these fliers for a special emphasis. The kids on his bus route just LOVE him!

Fourth of July, 2006, with Gramps and Shane.

Hangin' out at Aunt Pam's with Paloma and Josh Rios.

August, 2006, on Hunting Island,S.C. While Josh V. is shorter than Josh R. - he isn't this much shorter! He just thought it would make a funny picture to dig his feet deep down into the sand and hug his cousin! I told you -- He's a hoot!
Now for a couple of photos taken during his younger years.
Josh Rios visits his cousin in Venezuela.

One summer while the Vernoy family was on furlough in the states, the boys were able to play on the same INDOOR SOCCER team! Their team won the championship that year! They were about 5 & 6 years old in this photo.
Thank you for sharing with us. :)
What a sweet post about your nephew, Joshua! I loved all of the pictures and especially the ones where he is pretending to be short! He sounds like a wonderful, funny, smart young man!
You must be so proud!
What a wonderful post and such a special young man. Will be praying as he travels to visit Rita.
Have a great weekend my friend.
Love ya, Lyndy
You are a proud auntie, with reason!
I love the "short pastor" pic. Hilarious!
You have a lot to be proud of! Said a prayer for their safe trip.
Thank you for sharing him with us today!
What a great tribute to your nephew. I know you all must be so proud of him. My heart beams with joy for you!! This was a blessing to read.
Wow! Your nephew is really on top of things! I know your are so proud of him.
I'm agreeing with you in prayer for Josh. <><
I enjoyed the pictures and captions of his antics...great guy!
see im rihgt he is a migit this is pretty cool<><
He is blessed to have an aunt like you!
BTW, I did that "needs" meme. Mine was eerily true on almost all of them. Thanks, it was fun!
Oh, he looks like so much fun!!!
I will pray for safety in travel, as well!
I also wanted to tell you that I love your new profile pic. Very pretty!
Awesome!! Really Awesome!!!
Aaw how sweet! I'm so proud of Josh! (BOTH OF THEM LOL!!!) Really, Josh V is such a character! I've enjoyed seeing him a few times this year, and I hope to see him again soon! We had a nice lil talk when he came to my school! It was awesome! And he's a really good preacher with a real heart for God! You can just tell by how he brings it across!!
Nice pics too!!! LOL The one at the beach is awesome!
Pam, I am so excited to see him tonight. Clint and Jayde left to get him this afternoon. I am not up to traveling that far yet.
Thanks for this post. i KNOW he is special, but I am glad you think so too!!
My Josh and your Josh, are such best buddies!! The big brother my Josh never had.
It's no wonder you are so proud of him...what a wonderful young man he is!! Wish there were more like him around!!! He's very handsome and I just love his sense of humour:-) xox
How exciting for him and his mom and dad that's he's heading out for a visit! He seems like an honor to his family. Your post was a sweet way to get to know him. Will pray for his safe travel to and from!
Said a prayer for Josh and family. Enjoyed the photos.
What a neat post about your nephew.
Josh is in my thoughts and prayers. I will pray for safe travels.
He sounds like a wonderful young man!!! What a blessing to have him as family!!
Mrs. U
Pam, Thank you for sharing with us about Josh. I will keep in pray about hsi service for Christ!
How wonderful! You must be so proud. Thank you so much for sharing.
Ahhh, such nice pictures. You're obviously a very proud Auntie!
I think Josh must be related to ... Yekwanaman! Actually, all those Vernoys are a hoot!
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