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The two cousins! (Josh Vernoy & Josh Rios) This was a big night! The boys had just spent all afternoon moving into their dorm for their first year of Bible college at Florida Baptist College. This was the inaugural year for the school. It was an emotional evening as we realized our boys were an important part of history. The evening culminated with a beautiful buffet dinner cooked and presented by the resident chef. Dessert was a huge cake! The frosting on the celebratory cake had lots of green food coloring in it! Later, everyone laughed so hard when Dr. Turner, President of the college, got up to speak and he too had this same look, which he had just laughed at a few minutes prior when he saw the two boys at the beverage station!
Hubby just called and said he is just now leaving work. It is 11:44 p.m. He is bringing home a pizza! Oh my! I haven't eaten since lunch, which was a healthy salad! Maybe one piece? I promise I will walk an extra block or two tomorrow! LOL
My son, Josh, is making me so proud these days! He has become such a responsible young man and I couldn't be prouder! I've seen him do some amazing things for people lately. It's very touching! He recently received a raise at work! That was very encouraging to him. He is becoming more proficient with his job and now has reached the point where he can be sent to one job site, while my brother goes off to meetings or another job site.

His 20th birthday is coming up April 6th, so we are planning a family day out at Busch Gardens. We get the Fun Card which is a great bargain. We pay for one day's admission, then with proof of Florida residency, we get the Fun Card which allows us admission throughout the rest of the year, FREE!!! Let me tell you, with all of our out of state friends and relatives that come down to sunny Florida to visit *us* (yeah right!), we make many trips a year to Busch Gardens!
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One more prayer request. My friend Grace, who is a Junior in Crown College of the Bible, is leaving Monday morning for England! This is a mission's trip that she has been so excited about for the past few months! She has asked us to pray that the people of England will be tender to the message of Christ's love that she and the other college kids will be presenting. Pray that the group will all maintain Christian testimonies as well. Then of course, this should go without saying, safety. Another young lady from our church went to England with Crown College the year of the subway bombings! Yes, she was there about an hour away from London. Thankfully, the entire group was sheltered in the arms of God.

Well, hubby is home and needs some TLC . Goodnight!
OH, I thought my Josh was finally feeling better! I do hope he can rest some and enjoy his time out of the dorm. Please keep him in prayer.
Nice pictures. What a blessing it must be to see your son preach. I would love that for my sons if that will be the lords will for them.God Bless.
I hope the sickness goes away soon. I will pray!
I LOVED all the pictures!!
What a great and fun family you have!
Love Candy
What a nice newsy post. I know what you mean about missing lots of church, that's the way I felt after dengue and then Elena's bad cold and teething spell. I felt heathen, but well rested! Hee hee.
Oh, and yes, you can post my "little girl" article on your blog if you want.
I'm stopping by from Karen's...
I enjoyed reading your post and getting to know you a bit!
I'm a 44 yr old home school mom with two little girls, 7 and almost 5.
We visited the Virginia Busch Gardens when my hubby and I lived nearby. We lived there as newlyweds while he was in the Navy. (Now we're in Oregon.) Those pictures make me want to go back! :)
Come by and visit anytime...:)
I know you and Rita are sooo proud of your guys!! And, with good reason...they are great guys witha heart for the Lrod and not shy about sharing with others....Josh has such wisdom, also,....he gets his from digging in scripture!!
Makes a Mama proud.....
Pam, you and Rita have soooo much to be proud of. You both have raised such wonderful children who grew up right before your eyes. They give you so many reasons to be proud. Good post and God Bless you Pam.
Thanks for all the sweet comments girls! but you know what, God gets all the praise here!
Yes, the photos are great. I haven't learned how to post photos yet. I am still in the dark ages. I still grab a pencil and paper first to add up numbers instead of the calculator. Can anyone program my cell phone? heehee.
I can say that I was there and rode with Shane and his Dad on Shane's inaugural ride of Sheikra!!!!!!
Forgot to tell you it seems like we are playing hooky in the W.C......I had a migraine Sunday and did not go to church, nor did my family....we will talk later....
Hope Shane feels better!! tell the little buddy hello and to smile for us!!
Sorry to hear you had such an awful headache! I stopped and prayed for your nephew and for your friend Grace. What a blessing to hear of young people (including your son) who are actively serving the Lord.
Prayer heavenward for the young, mission, future. Praise God they have hearts for Jesus Christ!!! <><
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