"...O God, and our hearts are restless until they find their REST in You." – St. Augustine
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
You know, maybe we could experience more great days such as those when President Reagan was in office if we'd be willing to expel the hatred, come together, and be POSITIVE!
I have a question for you anonymous--when did it become a disgrace to be old or white? Your comment came across as though that is a terrible thing. I personally have high respect for the wisdom and experience of the aged who still know their worth and contribute to our society in POSITIVE ways.
I invite anyone to weigh in on this thought as well!
Monday, September 29, 2008
OH YES I DID.................
Too bad that big ol' mirror blocked her out of the picture. However, if you click to enlarge, I'm sure you'll be able to see "The First Dude" (Todd Palin) holding baby Trigg right up front there! (oh and his secret service dude looking out at the road ahead as well) Trust me, Sarah was standing at the front of the bus waving as they left the rally last Sunday. You can see her shoulder if you look really hard in the bus door's side window!
We arrived at 'THE VILLAGES' around 2:30 Sunday afternoon, to find these!
Main street was jammed pack! We were so excited though and didn't mind that we couldn't even get into the fenced in area where Sarah would take the stage. We were able to watch her on the big screen. Thankfully, the Lord supplied a shade tree for mom to stand under. Shane and I tried shading ourselves with the poster we had made. It read: "Vote for Trigg's Mommy!" The photos below tell the rest of the story!
Mom listening intently under her shade tree!
Can you tell Mom loves pink?! Click to enlarge photo for
a better look at the button she bought.
Some of the sights on Main Street in The Villages.
The theater marquee welcomes Sarah!
When leaving the rally and this guy stopped us at the corner, my heart leapt for joy, for I knew it signaled that the motorcade would be passing right in front of us.
That's when I yelled er, asked mom to put the car in park, I was getting out to take a photo. By the time I stepped up on the curb, mom was right beside me holding the poster we had made. Everyone on the street corners were taking a stance for good viewing of the Governor as she came by.
As soon as the nice officer allowed us to go, we followed the Straight Talk Express out of The Villages onto the county highway, where people were lined up for miles with signs of support for the McCain/Palin ticket!
What a day of excitement and pure joy! We now were on the road to Orlando to meet up with my aunts and cousin for a week in a resort! More to come about that later.
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Spoon Theory
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I'm afraid many have forgotten that war was declared on us that day!
I'm saddened that we've lost the unity that the tragedy of 9-11 prompted us to.
In commemorating 9-11 a couple of weeks ago, I came across many posts with great videos. I've chosen to share this one with you because it's sung by Daryll Worley,the cousin of a dear friend of ours. I think that's pretty cool!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
An Alaskan Blogger!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Signs and Tidbits from the Rally
A close up of the button/pin I bought for myself!
The button Shane chose. I LOVE it! You can't tell in the photo, but it is John McCain as Mr. Clean and the stains around him are labeled as: "Iraq", "Federal Deficit", etc.
When I walked into Shane's room Tuesday night, this is what I found thumb-tacked to his wall; his sign from the rally!
Sunday, September 21, 2008

My friend Patti sent me such a positive e-mail today, I just had to share it here. Many of you still ask about her in emails, so this will answer some of your questions.
Hi ya'll,
These were taken last weekend at the Weekend to Remember conference. It was wonderful.
My friend Raisa edited them to look so nice. Thought you'd like to see how I look post-cancer, and on the road to being well.
My blood work checkup this past week was great. My oncologist said that all my blood counts are perfect, and now that I'm a year out from the treatment, I'm getting my port out next Friday.
I am so blessed!!!

Patti with her husband, Todd!
I'll be leaving town for a week of fun in the sun, and not sure if I'll have internet on a regular basis. Therefore, I'm posting several posts using automatic publishing. I do hope to get online a bit during the week though, so I can read all your wonderful blogs and keep up with your busy lives!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Like Jewelry???
The silver bracelets on the left of the photo are my favorites for everyday wear! I receive so many compliments on them!
I'm wearing them in the photo of me with dad. This photo was taken the Sunday before dad had his last heart procedure. He actually was suffering a heart-attack at the time this was taken! He had to sit down after service as he had no strength or much breath.
I love this pearl bracelet the Howard girls made for me!
Give 'em a visit and tell 'em Pam sent ya'!
Friday, September 19, 2008
More Images From the Rally Last Tuesday
Georgianne and Shane with their signs!
I liked this guy's sign. He happily posed for this photo. Click to enlarge.
The poster we made for the rally. Thanks Susan for the idea!
On the stairs ahead of us, we found several friends!
(Rita, enlarge and see if you know any of them! OK I'll tell you! On the top center is Pastor Turner from Westgate with several of the highschool students. Toward the bottom are Reva and Vanessa.
Off to the side, not in the photo was Merv Uhl!
I want to share with you how the Lord supplied a great parking place for only $5.00! I drove by several lots which were charging $10.00 for parking. I kept driving, hoping to find something closer to the convention center. I didn't find one any closer really, but I did follow signs for "rally parking" which led us to a parking garage. They charged half the price others were charging. We did have to walk about half a mile, but the walk across the bridge from Harbor Island was beautiful and good for us. We were rejoicing that we were relatively close to our destination and that the Lord supplied the right people to point us in the right direction!
Also, once in the building, waiting in line, I found a couple of wonderful people to chat with. One Christian mom had her 5th grade daughter with her for the experience. We chatted freely about issues. When I mentioned that it felt so great to be surrounded by conservatives, she said, "I know. It's nice to feel so safe."
God is so good!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Most of you know my hubby manages a great restaurant!

Can you spot who is who in the photo?
Alright, I reluctantly tell you the truth now! The McCain's and friends ate in the Orlando location, not in the store where my hubby works. Oh well! I still thought it was neat when I found these photos on Meagen McCain's blog! Click below to see more photos from this O.G visit.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I Shook His Hand!!!
I snapped this photo right before getting a handshake from the Senator! My friend Georgianne is showing off her pretty pink nails! LOL This was her first political rally and she was determined to get a handshake. I think she managed to get one from Cindy who is following her husband down the ramp. He looked good and was interacting with us quite energetically. Cindy was gorgeous! Just as feminine and elegant in person as I had imagined she would be.
Are you ready to know a secret about me? I must admit, I easily get star struck! I was as happy as a kid in a candy shop yesterday as I stood so very near Senators, Mayors, Governors, Congressmen and YESTHE FUTURE PRESIDENT AND FIRST LADY OF THIS GREAT LAND! And to see my 10 year old son enjoying it 'almost' as much as I ---well it's priceless!
After some local entertainment, there was a trickle of speakers. Two of the gentlemen who spoke prior to the McCain's arrival, had been fellow P.O.W.s with John in the Hanoi Hilton. The Mayor of St. Petersberg spoke, and a congresswoman from the Bay Area. After she took leave of the podium, the music started. I could feel the energy build in the hall as we all turned our attention to the doorway and ramp which all the speakers had entered and descended from. I could literally FEEL the anticipation in the place. Then - the voice of the announcer over the PA-
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the next President of the United States, Senator John McCain with his lovely wife Cindy!"
And the cheers, oh the cheers! It was amazing to feel the hopes and support of all those around me! Accompanying the McCain's on stage were Jack Kemp who ran for Vice-President with Bob Dole. Also one of our state's former Governors, Bob Martinez and our state's current republican senator, Mel Martinez.
The rally was great and although sore and exhausted from standing for 6 hours, it was well worth it! My friend, Georgianne was with us and experienced her first political rally ever. She really enjoyed this new experience, but confessed, she was pooped afterwards! Photos below to prove just how pooped she was!
Shane and I in line waiting to enter the rally!
All during the evening, off and on, he would come to the room I was in and exclaim, "Wow I can't believe I shook both of their hands!" You see, he lucked out and got a handshake from Cindy McCain AND the Senator!
I hope as you look at the photos, you try to imagine my joy and excitement as I was taking them, standing in the midst of HUGE JOHN MCCAIN FANS! Realize there was much screaming and whooping and hollering, even some whistling. I was on cloud nine!
I took this right before I got my handshake!
The bright stage lights in my photos were a thorn in my flesh all afternoon.
Senator Mel Martinez stepping onto the stage.
A pooped Georgianne! After the rally, we grabbed a seat and rested awhile before walking the mile back to our parked vehicle! While waiting, I was able to visit with Senator Mel Martinez a bit and get a great photo of him just "hangin' with the folks!"
Senator Martinez in the concourse after the event.
It was a great honor for me to be able to chat with Mark Sharpe,whom I voted for several times over the years. He is now serving as a County Commissioner for Hillsborough County. Mark's last name fits him well! He is one "sharp" looking guy!
John McCain was greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of more than 2,500 supporters at the Tampa Convention Center. In light of the nation's worsening financial crisis, Senator McCain gave a fiery speech vowing to reform Wall Street and make corporate executives more accountable. As someone who has taken on the pharmeceutical industry and the tobacco industry, John McCain seemed eager to take on the task of reforming America's broken financial system and putting an end to the excesses of corporate greed.
WFLA TV in Tampa had a one-on-one interview with John McCain on Monday. Senator McCain candidly addressed America's economic troubles and the importance of keeping taxes low in this economic environment.
More photos tomorrow! I want to share some of the posters and buttons seen at the rally. Oh and photos of some "other peopele" I ran into!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Guess Where I'll Be On Tuesday???!!!???
51 Days to the Election of John McCain
McCain Nightly Memo
From: SE Regional Offices, Tallahassee
To: McCain Team Member
Topic: John McCain Coming to Florida
John McCain in Florida on Monday and Tuesday
John McCain will make a swing through the state of Florida on Monday, September 15th and Tuesday, September 16th. John McCain will appear at public events in Jacksonville on Monday and Tampa on Tuesday. Here are the details.
Special Guests at the Event will include:
Senator Mel Martinez, (Pam says: he has a wonderfully compelling life story, came, as a child from Cuba without his parents, lived in a foster home until Vuelos de Libertad brought his parents here.)
Governor Charlie Christ, (Pam says: We LOVE him! A very popular governor here now)
Former Governor Jeb Bush, (Pam says: We miss him terribly! We've met him when he was governor of FL!)
Former Governor Bob Martinez,
and American Idol Finalist Phil Stacey. (Pam says: He's the bald contestant with pretty blue eyes!)
Pam also says:
I REGRET Sarah Palin won't be at this rally, however, due to our great state of FLORIDA being a large swing state, I have a feeling she'll be through these parts before November 4th. If she does come for a visit, you can bet the bank I'll be there to see her!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
My Front Door!
What Your Front Door Says |
![]() You are bold, brave, and easily excited. You are passionate about what you believe. And you're never afraid to tell people exactly what you think. You're picky and particular. It's sometimes hard to meet your standards. |

Monday, September 08, 2008
Some Neat Signs I Read Today
Sunday, September 07, 2008
With the important election coming up this year it is even more important that we fly our flag.
Not only in remembrance of 9/11, but to remind us of the importance to pay attention to the issues in this election, and be preparing to vote on November 4th.
Please join us in this FLY THE FLAG campaign. It is just 4 days to get the word out all across this great land and into every community in the United States of America.
THE PROGRAM IS THIS: On Tuesday, September 11th, 2007, an American flag should be displayed outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the United States.
Every individual should make it their duty to display an American flag on this seventh anniversary of our country's worst tragedy. We do this in honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11, their families, friends and loved ones who continue to endure the pain, AND those who today are fighting at home and abroad to preserve our cherished freedoms.
In the days, weeks and months following 9/11, our country was bathed in American flags as citizens mourned the incredible losses and stood shoulder-to-shoulder against terrorism. Sadly, those flags have all but disappeared.
Our patriotism pulled us through some tough times and it shouldn't take another attack to galvanize us in solidarity. Our American flag is the fabric of our country and together we can prevail over terrorism of all kinds.
So here's what to do: (1) Take a moment to think back to how you felt on 9/11 and let those sentiments guide you. (2) Fly an American flag, of any size, on 9/11.
Honestly, Americans should fly the flag year-round, but if you don't, then at least make it a priority on this day.
SUSAN (A.K.A.PENLESSWRITER) says: "We fly a 3'x5' most every day, unless the weather is really bad. Mickey went out yesterday and purchased two of the little flags to put on our vehicles on 9/11. Remember the ones that clip on the window that so many of us flew right after 9/11?"
I love those ideas Susan!
Thank you for your participation. God Bless You and God Bless America.
And in case you haven't noticed---
I support John McCain for President!
I love the following statements from Senator McCain's speech last Thursday night!
My friends, if you find faults with our country, make it a better one. If you're disappointed with the mistakes of government, join its ranks and work to correct them."
Saturday, September 06, 2008
You Belong in 1984 |
![]() Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day. |
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Third Installation of Vacation Photos from July
1) My computer had a little glitch which is now worked out, praise the Lord!
2)When it comes to political conventions, I'm a "gavel-to-gavel" gal!! Meaning I watch as much as I can of each convention from the sound of the opening gavel the first day to the closing gavel on the last night! During the day, I enjoy watching focus groups and sessions which meet in various venues around the host city. Wednesday afternoon had a great session with former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, former US Treasurer, and three other strong GOP women. The purpose of their meeting was to stand up to the liberal media concerning their biased treatment of Gov. Sarah Palin. I LOVED IT! THANKS C-SPAN FOR MAKING THAT POSSIBLE!!! I sometimes wander away from C-SPAN and listen to all the talking heads on the other cable news channels. It makes me feel like I'm in the mix of things! I guess my life's dream right now would be to attend the Republican National Convention someday!
So how was your week? I'll be making my rounds tomorrow to check up on all my bloggy friends. I've missed you for sure!
Many of you probably won't find all these photos very interesting; but I have family members who will enjoy them. So bear with me please!
I must say, this trip was really BIG for me! I hadn't been to West Virginia in 5 years. I anticipated this trip as a small child anticipates Christmas morning! It's almost as though I transition back to my childhood while there, amongst such loving relatives. I love all the attention, food, love, activities!!!
Day Two - We arrived at Tara's home in the early afternoon. Lots of good food! A buffet of sandwich yummies. pot of pinto beans, pan of cornbread, and a most delicious pineapple-7-up cake! I fell in love with the view looking out of my cousin Tara's dining room window.
This is her front yard. Click to enlarge. Look out over the mountians!
Mom with her sister Carol.
Part of Tara's back yard.
We left Tara's that evening and headed for the "holler" (hollow) where most of mom's family live. Some of dad's relatives live on the same holler. We passed through the town of Welch. My first born was born here in 1987.
Some of the older homes on the mountain side are seen in this shot. As we drove this route, it was as though time had stood still. I remember seeing these homes from my childhood trips. We are near coal mining territory. We passed through many rural, rustic small towns.
The highway from Princeton/Bluefield area we traveled on for nearly two hours. Click to enlarge this photo as well. NOTICE the rocks jutting right out of the cut away mountain.
We've now turned off the highway onto one of the hollows. This was the home of my parent's favorite teacher, Rosy Steele. Mom tells how she was always embarrassed by her freckles as a child. Mrs. Steele took her aside and told her how pretty she thought mom's freckles were! Mom says it has meant so much to her through the years. Rosy lived until recently. She had to have been well into her nineties. Every time we came to W. Va. for a visit, I remember mom saying, "Right up there is where my teacher Rosy Steele lives." This was my first time back since Miss Steele's death.
Whew! Ok - we've driven off one hollow and onto another. Both follow named creeks. In this photo, we are "descending" down Uncle Clarence's driveway. His house is out of the photo, but you can see my cousin Teresa's pretty home. This photo isn't really showing you just how steep this driveway is. GOOD GRAVY! How do these people maneuver these driveways during the icy winters? I was clutching and squinting in fear even in summer!
I'm fascinated with the lay of the land here. You see a mountain, then where it bottoms out, you have enough land to build a home on, then there's a creek, the hollow and another mountain. As a Florida girl, accustomed to flat, open space, I can feel somewhat claustrophobic and closed in when visiting. Usually though, I have a sense of security; as if I'm all "tucked in".
Monday, September 01, 2008
"Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged." --President Ronald Reagan
"Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the track of history to wait for the team of the future to run over them."
--Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged." — President Ronald Reagan