I'll start back with last week.
Monday: I was in such a state of pain and inflammation that I didn't accomplish much at all, mostly just schooling with Shane.
Tuesday: I was much better. I had more mobility and was able to do a few things around the house along with the schooling. We filled out valentine cards for the grandparents. Around 6:30 p.m., my son Josh drove up from Tampa and took his little brother to the florist to buy something for me for Valentine's Day! This was to be Shane's first time inside a florist's shop. It was so darling because they were trying to be secretive about it. Shane even called his dad into the hall bathroom to tell him they were going to go buy mom (ME) some flowers. I wish you all could have seen that little boys face when he walked in the front door after his shopping trip!!Priceless! He was holding my gifts behind his back and Josh had a beautiful bouquet of roses for me. They both were the most gorgeous children at that moment! Their looks and body language will forever be locked in my memory. First Josh gives me the roses and a kiss and a "Happy Valentine's Day Mom!" Then Shane moves in and whisks from behind his back one of the cutest little brown Gund bears you have ever seen and a heart shaped balloon. It was wonderful! I gave Josh his card and candy before he left.
Wednesday: I cooked my hubby's favorite "American" meal for his lunch! He had to leave for work at 2:30, so it worked out great! We had roast beef, onions, carrots, potatoes,salad. Later, Shane and I baked cookies for him to take to Patch Club at church. We drove Agustin to work so we could keep the car and do a few extra errands. Shane wanted to buy his two female teachers a rose each. So we stopped by the florist to pick up a rose for Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Jiminez. We then got home and iced the cookies and decorated them with decals. We filled treat bags with chocolates for all the kids in Patch. When we got to church, we were pleasantly surprised to see Josh had driven up from Tampa again to go to church with us! Kim was sick and at home, so Josh and I volunteered to take Alex and Ashley home. That was so enjoyable because they are both such joys to be around. I had given my hubby his card and gift early in the day. He brought me chocolates when he came in from work.
Thursday: Agustin was off, so we pulled out the stove and refrigerator to scrub them and the floors and walls as well. It felt so good! Agustin cleaned the top of the fridge for me too. We did other various things around the house. We had intended to go to a Christian concert at my parent's church Thursday night, but after a day of cleaning and tugging, I was out of commission for awhile. My body was screaming, "STOP THE MADNESS! GET A SHOWER AND CRASH INTO YOUR BED WOMAN!" So that is just what I did! I regret that I missed the Dartt family singers. I really love the fellowship I always have with them, but I needed to be able to move on Friday and I had already overdone it. So Agustin and I both felt that the most prudent thing for me to do was listen to my body and just go to bed.
Friday: We all slept in late. When we finally arose, Shane did his devotions, math, reading, and penmanship while I cleaned the kitchen and got ready. We left around noon for the Florida State Fair! It was chilly when we left the house, around 60 degrees I guess. By the time we left the fair at 7 p.m., it has dropped to 45 degrees! We had our jackets on, but were freezing! We enjoyed touring "Cracker Country" and meeting a real Florida Cracker! She had written a family cookbook and was sitting in a rocker on a back porch of one of the homes, knitting, talking to folks about her family heritage. We watched a real blacksmith working at his anvil. We watched a family make homemade soap. I especially loved the little one room school house! Everyone was dressed in period clothing of the late 1800's. Of course, Shane loved the rides! We also sat in on a Kitchen Craft Cookware demonstration that was very educational and interesting! Shane loved it! I had forgotten how good my cookware was! You see, I had bought the Basic Set about 25 years ago before I ever married! I'm sure the Lord had us stop by that tent to remind me how easy it is to cook healthy meals in my expensive, waterless cookware! Now Agustin wants to invest in the Professional Set! Praise the Lord for His leading!
Right after that, I popped into the Amazing Grace Missions tent and was so pleased to find out they had over 180 salvations since the fair had started!
We loved the petting zoo! My little niece Jayde would have thought she was in heaven there! Shane brushed a big Aye Shire dairy cow, fed the goats who were such beggars! We watched the newborn piglets nursing from their big mama. We even saw two of the cutest baby burros! And of course through out the day, we ATE!! Pizza, Sandwiches of Italian Sausages with onions and peppers, I had my annual foot long corndog. We had ice cream and on the way out we shared fries and a funnel cake!
Agustin enjoys looking at all the new cars on display! The corvette always gets his heart a thumpin'! But he also enjoys trying on the cars from the Dodge dealership! I had to pry his hands from the steering wheel of the 2008 RED Dodge Challenger!
After leaving the fair, we dropped Shane off at my parents home in Tampa, then came home, showered, and crashed!
Saturday: Agustin had to leave for work at 7 a.m. I piddled around the house trying to loosen up some so I could jump in and get my chores done. I knew Josh was bringing Shane home in the afternoon. I was almost finished cleaning the house and doing laundry when my boys arrived. I was able to vacuum the entire house. Do two loads of laundry. Scrub my bathroom. I cleaned my kitchen really well. I tore apart my toaster and shined it up nice. I dug into my garbage disposal with paper towels and bleach. YUCK was it ever nasty up under that rubber flap thingy! I did lots of minor things that needed done and was so thankful at the end of the day that I had felt well enough to have been able to do what *normal* housewives and mommys do.
Josh just hung out all evening and when he wasn't on the computer chatting with Ashley, he played some video games with Shane. He ordered pizza and sprite for all of us. Then around 10 p.m. he headed back to Tampa.
Sunday: Church and what a blessing to see Kim there! She is alive after a terrible battle with this flu that has been going around. Pastor had a great sermon from Revelation. When he read the verse about no more pain, I almost jumped up and shouted 'Hallelujah"! I missed Pat and her family, but I know they are enjoying their family vacation in PA to see her son.
Monday: I sit here at my computer early this a.m. wondering what wonderful things the Lord has in store for me today! Hope your day is wonderful as well.

Wow, can you believe I actually didn't know the Fair was even going on?*is a loser* LOL
AWW!! That was so sweet of Shane with the roses!! I saw them, they were so pretty!
Yeah...interesting conversations went on Saturday with "you" Aunt Pam...*nudges* LOL
Cool pic with the pam! Where did you find that?
Ashley - cool indeed!
Jungle Mom - Your daughter Jackie emailed it to me!!neat huh?
Could you have jam-packed anything else in there??
Miss you---love and hugs!!
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