Prayers appreciated! Mom goes in for surgery to have a suspicious lymph node removed today. She checks in at noon, but surgery isn't scheduled until 3 p.m. I'll keep you posted when we get the results in.
My husband's mom and brother are in from Mexico. Let me just say---we've been busy!! They are road warriors! No sitting at home relaxing for them! Each day finds us on an adventure or an outing! Today it was the beach!
I have lots of photos coming soon. In the meantime, here are a few more photos from our family reunion in July.

My niece Jewel with Aunt Virgie and Uncle Clarence. ( mom's sister and mom's brother)

Cousin Keith with his son Seth, having just returned from Myrtle Beach, where Seth's baseball team won the championship!

One of the rental cabin's on Keith's property.
(For more info. see

Uncle Clarence and I waiting in the cabin, for Cody to arrive from Myrtle Beach.

This is the cabin that my son Josh and my brother John built recently on my cousin's property.
those cabins look nice.
((prayers and hugs))
Your mom is going through so much!
Your mom and her sister look so much alike.
Love seeing those cabins. Makes me want to go.
I just prayed for your mom (and you)
This has been a fast, busy summer for us all it seems. Prayers for your Mom. Sorry she is having to have yet more surgery.
oh gosh...i love that cabin!
I will be praying for your momma :)
Awesome cabin!!!!! is your mom doing?
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