A special blessing was bestowed upon us this month and I just have to share it with you. I know that most of you who read my blog are fellow believers and will receive just as big of a blessing from this as I did.
While my mother in law and brother in law were visiting with us, we had the honor of attending the first service at my nephew's new ministry here in Tampa. Under the umbrella of Southside Baptist Church and Pastor Kerry Nance, a new Spanish ministry is being established near MacDill Airforce Base. My nephew Josh was approached a few months ago, asked to pray about joining Pastor Nance and starting up this new church. Josh is a talented, articulate young man who loves God and seeks after God's heart. His wife Naomy, is a precious young lady who delights in being his completer. It's obvious she is exactly the gal God intended for my nephew to marry!
My heart was so full of emotion during that first service. One reason I think I was so emotional was because there, in attendance with us, for this first monumental step in ministry for my nephew, was my mother in law. She had ministered to Josh's parents when they were young missionaries living in Mexico as language students. I'm sure during those days of welcoming them into her home, serving up her delicious food, caring for their child Jackie, she never dreamt she would be in the states one day, sitting under the ministry of that young couple's son!
Josh did a phenomenal job that Sunday morning! He had it ALL on his shoulders. The welcoming of guests, the leading of the music, the order of service, the preaching, then the invitation. And what a great sermon it was! He preached about the woman at the well who was living in sin. She had a thirst for men, which caused her to be weak in certain areas.
"What is your thirst in this life?" he asked. "What is that weakness in your life which causes you to sin over and over again?" Then he shared how Christ is there ready to forgive and forget. All we need to do is confess our sins and receive him as our personal Savior. Christ and Christ alone, can change your life for the better! It was a great sermon.
My eyes are tearing up now just typing this; but I hope I've conveyed clearly to you why my emotions were running so strongly that morning. At the end of the service, while singing the invitational song, I had tears streaming down my face and the emotions came flooding over me.
Josh, I know you never read my blog, but I want to express here just how proud I am of you and how honored I feel to have had the privilege of attending your first service!
While my mother in law and brother in law were visiting with us, we had the honor of attending the first service at my nephew's new ministry here in Tampa. Under the umbrella of Southside Baptist Church and Pastor Kerry Nance, a new Spanish ministry is being established near MacDill Airforce Base. My nephew Josh was approached a few months ago, asked to pray about joining Pastor Nance and starting up this new church. Josh is a talented, articulate young man who loves God and seeks after God's heart. His wife Naomy, is a precious young lady who delights in being his completer. It's obvious she is exactly the gal God intended for my nephew to marry!
My heart was so full of emotion during that first service. One reason I think I was so emotional was because there, in attendance with us, for this first monumental step in ministry for my nephew, was my mother in law. She had ministered to Josh's parents when they were young missionaries living in Mexico as language students. I'm sure during those days of welcoming them into her home, serving up her delicious food, caring for their child Jackie, she never dreamt she would be in the states one day, sitting under the ministry of that young couple's son!
Josh did a phenomenal job that Sunday morning! He had it ALL on his shoulders. The welcoming of guests, the leading of the music, the order of service, the preaching, then the invitation. And what a great sermon it was! He preached about the woman at the well who was living in sin. She had a thirst for men, which caused her to be weak in certain areas.
"What is your thirst in this life?" he asked. "What is that weakness in your life which causes you to sin over and over again?" Then he shared how Christ is there ready to forgive and forget. All we need to do is confess our sins and receive him as our personal Savior. Christ and Christ alone, can change your life for the better! It was a great sermon.
My eyes are tearing up now just typing this; but I hope I've conveyed clearly to you why my emotions were running so strongly that morning. At the end of the service, while singing the invitational song, I had tears streaming down my face and the emotions came flooding over me.
Josh, I know you never read my blog, but I want to express here just how proud I am of you and how honored I feel to have had the privilege of attending your first service!
Mom and John met us for lunch after church. An added blessing for me that day was Peggy, my neighbor. She wanted to tag along with us to the service simply because she wants to learn Spanish! She was so excited to meet my family and practice what she has been learning!
The congregation singing. The pianist didn't attempt playing this song due to it being her first time hearing it!
Josh preaching.
Please join me in praying for this young couple as they labor and toil to plant this new church for Spanish speakers in South Tampa.
The Bible tells us not to despise small beginnings. May God lead him and may he follow.
Oh Pam, this is so wonderful. I loved listening to the song.
I'm so excited for this ministry.
Is Kerry Nance Rueben Nance's son?
Rueben Nance was my Bible teacher in highschool.
I'll pray that this church will grow and reach out to people in the community who are looking for a place to belong and to worship.
Wow, there's nothing like watching God move and especially when we see him move in the lives of our own family. I'm sure there were a few family members with hearts full of thankfulness and joy on this special day for Josh and his wife.
God has great things in store and I'm so happy for you that you could be a part of this first service.
Hi Pam! Good to see you again. We're finally here and settling in.
soooo good...PAM....
thank you...I am putting one of your quotes on my FB...
This is wonderful!!!
Loved this Pam!!
What a blessing, Pam! I love seeing another generation getting busy serving the Lord! :)
Bro. Kerry Nance preached our high school chapel services the first week school started back. His dad was the principal here many moons ago. :)
Thank you for your comment Pam! I had missed you!
Hope all is well. My computer crashed and had it repaired for a week now I have it back and working --yay!!! :)
love candy
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