Is it possible to have too much of a good thing? My fun-o-meter is tilted to FULL!! What with our road trip to West Virginia for a family reunion weekend before last and then another reunion here in Florida this past Saturday, I can honestly say I've had enough fun to last me all year! I've been dying to get a post on here about all the happenings and funnies but have been too busy or utterly exhausted! A good exhaustion mind you! Laughter so hard, my sides and jaws hurt! Tears of emotion, my eyes are red and puffy! Long car rides, my joints are screaming! House full of company, up too late talking!
This is all good and not to be taken as a negative.
I'm so proud and so honored to have been able to visit and love on my family and friends over these past two weeks!
So where do I begin? I suppose it best to begin with our family reunion. I know my poor sissy is dying for some photos so here goes! Our first day in West Virginia was spent at my cousin Donna's home. What a sweetie she is! When we're together, I think all we do is giggle! Her poor hubby was a trooper and put up with us in good humor! Thank you Lennis!

Donna cooked us a good, hot, country breakfast our first morning with her. Look at that homemade gravy, biscuit, sausage AND bacon, fried farm egg! YUMMY and oh so fattening!
My cousin Donna and I with our Aunt Carol Jane.

The woodsy view right off her back patio! This is on the side of a mountain by the way!

The view off of Donna's back patio. I so enjoyed taking my morning coffee there. I listened to the birdies chirp, and enjoyed the cooler morning weather. There was almost a "nippiness" in the air! What a nice break from the humid, wet heat here in Florida during the summer.

The scenery looking off of Donna's front deck! A country highway, mountains full of trees, all kinds of neat sounds, but peaceful, very peaceful!

Later that evening, our Aunt Rachel brought her two grandbabies by to swim in Donna's pool. She didn't know that mom, Shane, my brother John and I were there. We hid behind the kitchen door, giving her plenty of time to step inside. Then we jumped out and hollered, "HI!" I'm not sure what she uttered but her face was a prize to see!

Shane living the life at Donna's!
In the first video below, you'll see the little fox that would come down out of the woods about three times a day to eat whatever scraps Lennis would throw out for it.
I love living in the country!
The second video is a sample of Lennis playing and singing. He had just tuned his guitar before heading off to church. I asked that he sing something for me. The clip is very short, as my memory card was full! After this, Lennis and I sang something together. For the life of me, I can't remember what we sang! I do know it was alot of fun being with these two sweet Christian people.