Before my post, I wanted to share this link with you all. I think it's important to be informed!
I want to share with you some news that is pretty exciting to me! My friend,
Amber, has recently designed the cover and written the "teaser" on the back of a novel which was written by her room-mate at Pensacola Christian College. The book was published in January of this year! You can see the work done by
Amber on Amazon by
CLICKING HERE. You may want to scroll down a bit once you're at Amazon and read the teaser and the review.

I'm so blessed to know Amber. Even though she is a young lady, still in college, we get along so well. I count her as a true friend. After all, she is the first one to introduce me to "sushi"! She is an "over-achiever" in a good way! So talented, that girl! I wish you all could meet her and hear her sing. What a gorgeous voice that girl has and she loves using it to glorify the Lord!
During service at church last Wednesday night, I heard some folks slide in the pew behind me. Then a tap on my shoulder. I turned and there she was - Amber with her boyfriend Nathan! I tried to not "holler" out loud (the congregation was singing at the time) but I'm sure those around me heard me squeal as I hugged Amber and got a quick introduction to Nathan. I had only seen photos of him on line. I hadn't known they were in town for the week, so it was all such a great surprise for me. I love surprises, well good ones like that anyway!
We've had the pleasure of hosting my husband's sister's son in our home this past week. He flew in from Chicago, where he just finished his first year of college nearby, to visit with us before flying back home to Argentina. Hubby and I drove our nephew down to Miami on Saturday while Shane remained behind in Tampa with my parents. Agustin and I had all intentions of spending the entire weekend near the beaches. We wanted to head to South Beach Saturday evening, but the weather turned so ugly, we just decided to head north and drive back home. Once we got to Ft. Myers, we stopped and had a nice steak dinner. We had the entire weekend to ourselves with plans to pick Shane up on Monday. Agustin had taken the entire week off to spend with our nephew so it was nice he didn't have to go to work the day after our "road trip".
On the drive down to Miami, we had time to stop off in the North Port/Port Charlotte area (my old stomping grounds, my first apartment was on Charlotte Harbor) to see the church that my brother, my son, and our friend Justin were framing out. The guys had been living there all week which meant that Josh hadn't seen his cousin yet. Fortunately the church is just about 2 minutes off of I-75 south, allowing us the luxury of "popping in" for a quick visit. The visit was sweet as I hadn't seen my brother since his return from West Virginia and David and Josh hadn't seen each other for over four years! There's a photo further down to show what I was up against with all those men! LOL
We'll be seeing David again the first week of July as he passed through on his way back up to Indiana to work on a farm before his sophomore year begins. We're hoping to have time to squeeze in a trip to Disn*yWorld then!

David hugs Shane goodbye!

David sees Josh for the first time when we stopped by the church Josh is helping to build.

David, Josh, Justin, John, Agustin
See what I was up against! All of them (with the exception of my baby-God Love His Heart) were ready to shoot me with nail guns!
Hey, was all my picture taking that annoying guys???

Driving across 'Alligator Alley'! It was nice to see that everything was so green now. Just weeks ago, south Florida was plagued by many brush fires and drought.

More of the everglades. Look closely, you may spot a gator's head in that water!

There were several patches which showed the damage caused by previous brush fires.

Entering lush Miami!

Can you tell we're in close proximity of Miami International Airport?

We did some shopping to kill some time while in the airport. We had to arrive three hours prior to David's flight. Poor kid, had a ten hour flight to Buenos Aires, then a sixteen hour bus ride to his family's home in Tucuman!

Enjoying a massage before the long flight!

Here I am getting my final hug at the last check point.

The manly good-byes!

Agustin and I were blessed with this gorgeous sunset on our drive home, after the torrential rains!