Thanks for the kind comments and YES I have had my hair colored back to my natural shade. I actually did it simply to cover up all that GRAY!! I have been bleached blond for so many years except for the past three. I chose to do absolutely nothing to it other than cut and pamper it these past few years. I realized just how long it has been since I've worn my natural color when my soon to be twenty two year old son told me he had never seen me with dark hair! I was tempted to go back to blond but on a whim, decided to try my natural brown/reddish color. Most people have said they like it. I'm still not so sure.
I love the photo of Shane below. He looks to be in pain but was simply practicing his spelling words orally. He was wrapped up in his daddy's robe to keep warm and would throw his head back, squinch his eyes shut tight as he tried to remember the spelling of each word. I just had to snap this one. I thought he looked so cute and cozy.
My handsome hubby leaving for work the other day. He was wearing one of the new shirts we found "green ticketed" at JCPenney's--- a Van Huesen for $8.99!!! We found three shirts he liked and three matching ties. $40.00 ties marked down to $6.99! I bought some ties for my dad as well. It was a fun day out for us. It's not too often we get to go to the mall together!!!
Putting on his shoes!

Our Super Bowl snacks! Agustin had worked all day, so we kept our evening simple. When he got home, he made his famous chicken wings and fondue cheese which is great on Tuscan bread.

Our Super Bowl snacks! Agustin had worked all day, so we kept our evening simple. When he got home, he made his famous chicken wings and fondue cheese which is great on Tuscan bread.
thanks for reminding me!
I like the you look like you belong with Rita!
I love your hair...and my, my isn't your hubby handsome!?!
Mmm... lovely snacks!
And yes, your hair looks great! It looked great before, too. :p
Hanging out a sec and listening to your music. :]
I have always liked your natural hair color. I think it suits your coloring.
I cant get over how much weight you have lost!
We have the same blue plaid couch!!!
Love the hair Pammie! :-) That color (the "natural one!) warms up your complexion quite nicely. How was shopping with Aunt Tommy? She's such a hoot, I just love her to too! ;-)
Yeah! I guessed correctly. look mah-velous! Seriously, years younger looking too. I love it.
Cute cute cute photos of your handsome guys.
Pam, I wouldn't have guessed your hair was naturally this dark. I love your new look. I've been keeping mine blondish too for years. My hair is more of a mousey brown and now has so much gray mixed in.
Love the spelling word study style. Good for him for studying.
Good buys on the shirts and ties. impressive.
The food looks delicious! You´re blessed to have a hubby that can cook!
And I like the new hair color. Looks great!
You look so thin!! You must have lost weight! Hot Momma! :-)
I liked your hair the other way...but I like it this way too!! I think as long as you are happy with it and as long as your hubby is happy with it...then that is what counts.
Shane does look like he is in pain!! I used to do that though when I was learning my spelling words....that and writing them out several times for each word.
Pam, I do like your hair darker. I would have thought you were naturally blond. Thanks for asking about Mom. We have been there for a week. Just got home.
She is about the same but hopefully will get better.
Pam, Thanks for stopping by and asking about Mom. We just got home after staying a week. She is about the same.
I like your hair. I just thought you were a natural blond. And the food looks delicious. My grand daughter has a Mexican husband so I do get to taste some of their cooking.
Hi Pam, Thanks for stopping by and asking about Mom. We have been there for a week and came home this morning. She is about the same.
I thought you were a natural blond.
The food looks delicious. My grand daughter has a Mexican husband. She cooks and we enjoy.
Her little 3 yr.old Andrea speaks both English and Spanish. Is cute as she can be. I might get your e-mail address and send you a cutie!
My e-mail is
I'm going to look at your facebook. How is the weather there? Here in Louisiana it is in the 70's again
You look younger!
U R beautiful
love the blog look too :)
Love the title of this post -- "Randomosity" -- great word.
You certainly look different with the dark hair, but it's nice.
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