...Aunt Tommie!
As you know, my Aunt Tommie has been down from Indiana visiting family. We were so happy to have her stay in our home the week before last.
Do you remember the T.V. show and game entitled, "WHERE IN THE WORLD IS CARMEN SAN DIEGO?" It focused on Carmen traveling around the globe and taught geographical skills. Having covered a lot of ground with Aunt Tommie Thursday before last made me want to journal our last day together. I had thought about a similar title for this post. "WHERE IN THE WORLD IS THOMASINE CAMPBELL?" Another thought for a title was to play off of, "WHERE'S WALDO?" with "WHERE'S TOMMIE?"(And a few other people thrown in the mix)

After packing up her things, Aunt Tommie humored me by posing a bit. She had gone on and on about how much she loved my bedding.

Isn't she a hoot? Even at 80 years old, she is so much fun!
We loaded her stuff into my SUV then headed out to one of her favorite places to shop at while in Florida-BEALL'S! I didn't get a photo of her in there, but she found some great things!

I then drove her over to the church we sometimes attend,
Faith Baptist Church. My brother helped build this structure. Aunt Tommie had attended with me on the Sunday evening before and said she could hardly keep her concentration on the sermon for visualizing my brother in there with a hammer and tools, building. I took her on a tour through the educational part of the building where she met many of my friends. ( due to it being during school hours.)

These three go way back! Actually, they just met about two minutes prior to posing for this photo. I just wanted to surprise my friend, Pat! These are her two beautiful daughters posing with Aunt Tommie!

By our church sign.

After leaving the church in W.C., we drove into Tampa to meet with my brother and son at
West Gate Baptist Church. Another church my brother helped build.

Aunt Tommie never meets a stranger! Here she is with a pastoral staff member of West Gate, Steve Smith! I took this for shock value. I think my sister is laughing out loud as she looks at these photos, thinking: "Who is Aunt Tommie gonna pop up with next?"

She told me she was going to have to start charging me for all of this modeling!

Inside the foyer at West Gate.

The display for the on site college.

I even found her in the ladies room!

Aunt Tommie loved this idea in the toddler nursery! ( a pool full of plastic balls for the toddlers to play in)

Another new friend!

With my brother John, observing the huge nursery.

View looking down one of the hallways. Three and a half miles of baseboard was laid by my nephew, Josh Vernoy in this huge building. Imagine three of these halls plus the foyer, offices, classrooms and restrooms.! Now that's a lot of baseboard. Each and every door in this new structure were all stained and polyurethaned by my son Josh and my hubby. I didn't take a picture of one but trust me, they look great!

Another picture of the toddler nursery. They chose patch work for the carpeting, making it easy to replace one stained section at a time, rather than replacing the entire carpeting. Pretty clever!

Look who we ran into - Ash! She was on her way to sing with the tour group that night.

She couldn't believe how much Shane had grown!

One of the Sunday School classrooms. I think these rooms are used during the week for college lectures.

Greeting John when we first arrived at West Gate.

Katelin didn't want to catch Shane's cold! She also couldn't believe how much taller Shane was!

Kate and I

Driving past the
BUCCANEER'S HEADQUARTERS on the drive to my parents.

FINALLY, arriving at my parent's home to see her little brother (my dad) Due to dad's surgery then a long bout with the flu, this was the first time the two had seen each other during Aunt Tommie's stay!
What a fun day! She really seemed to enjoy every minute of it!
I hope you enjoyed "A DAY IN THE LIFE OF..."
Whew--that was exhausting! :) I wish I had a wee bit of your sweet aunt's energy. ;)
Aunt Tommie is awesome. Tell her she can come to Houston and stay with me any time. I love her zeal for life.
The churches are beautiful. What great facilities. I love that ladies restroom too.
I think Aunt Tommie does have a future in modeling. She's got a knack for it.
Thanks for sharing her.
LOL HIIII Aunt Tommie :]
We used to drive by Westgate all the time. If I remember right, it's kinda out in the 'hood on a busy street. And a HUGE place.
Then again, they had those strip places at the crowded intersections and I was glad then my little ones couldn't read LOL!
I loved your post! REally fun! And I loved your bedding too. Looks great!
You have a fun aunt. I bet it keeps her young!
Oh, and I LOVE your new layout! The green is easy on the eyes....
Like I've said before...Aunt Tommie Rocks!
Wish I had an "Aunt Tommie".
Mrs. C #2 - Thankfully, I think you must be thinking of a different church. There aren't any strip clubs near the neighborhood where West Gate is. Maybe you're thinking of Dale Mabry Hwy. where all the "bad joints" are! West Gate is in Town N Country a suburb. But yeah, I know what you mean about driving near those placed. Too many of them! Sickening!
Aunt Tommie's a *hoot*! Would she like to come visit me sometime? :o)
Beautiful church and a looooong hallway..man alive.
Pam I love the where's waldo style for sure!!
Shane is getting tall and of course that is awesome as he is turning into a fine young man...
and I get to *see* Pat's daughter's!!! yayyayayayayayya
I hope my comment made it through??
Well, yes, you did surprise me!!
And, to think an ordinary day turned into a chance meeting with Aunt Tommie.
The gal's got class!! I, for one, also thing her modeling skills could pay well!!
What a precious picture of her visiting your Dad---love it!!
Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking of Pam. But you know, they *need* a church there and certainly don't think it would reflect poorly on my Christian bretheren to worship wherever the Holy Spirit leads them. Well, you knew what I meant. :]
And HEY!! I got young and beautiful there for a sec before I realized I never wrote that stuff. Then doggone it if I didn't age in the second Mrs. C comment. :p
too fun!!
LOL! Old people are so awesome! :D
Oh wow! Shane is tall. It was good to see Pat's girls and Aunt Tommie. And everyone else. Now i am home sick!
Wow! What a blast!
Wonderful pictures, Pam. Thanks for sharing your family again!
Aunt Tommie is adorable!!!!
This is a cute post! You sure had Aunt Tommie busy! Glad you had so much fun.
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