A couple of weeks ago, Agustin and I teamed up on his days off to do some de-cluttering. We spent most of two days on Shane's bedroom. Every baseboard got vacuumed and washed, the walls got a good washing, the blinds as well. We took the bed apart to dust and wash the rails and frames. We vacuumed his mattress, both sides. Every item got removed from it's place so that each piece of furniture got a good scrubbing with Murphy's Oil Soap, then shined up with Pledge. With Shane involved, we also rifled through the two containers of toys under his bed and ALL items in his closet and drawers. WHEW!
Shane donated a huge bag full of toys and clothing to the
Hope Children's Home Thrift Store. While there, dropping off our junk - er uh, discarded items, look what we found! All for less than a total of $5.00! What fun it was plundering the store!

Shane chose the two Tom Clancy books, I chose the Dictionary of Synonyms to help with my blogging, and I chose the book entitled, "Gringa". It's about an Anglo woman who marries a Mexican and they live in Mexico. Pretty much the story of my early married life! Agustin chose the Art Course from A Beka Books as a guide for him as he IS THE OFFICIAL ART INSTRUCTOR in our homeschool!

(Pictures are clickable to enlarge)

Look at this find in Shane's closet! A home Shane and Jayde had designed and made curtains for a few years ago for Snuggles the little teddy bear. Shane still has Snuggles tucked in a safe place in his room!

We found a treasure in the stuffed animal basket! This was Shane's second baby blanket. He wore the first one out in his first two years of life-or so I thought. When I threw that first blankie out, it was no where near this worn out! LOL
This was the replacement blanket when Shane was about the age of two or so. He slept, dragged, traveled, even carried this dear blanket with him each time we went to Busch Gardens Adventure Park, which was often due to it being in our city and we always bought annual passes. We would go 6-8 times a year. Blankie and Snuggles ALWAYS went with us, until Shane outgrew his stroller days. Then only Snuggles went, tucked away in what ever bag I toted along. Don't you just love how you can see what is left of the batting bunched up in the corners and you can even SEE THROUGH this blanket?!? Once the blankie started showing signs of wear like this, my hubby would always tease Shane that he was carrying around a blanket full of "cockroaches". Shane would grimace and whine then giggle each time his daddy would tease him about his precious blankie!

I think this photo is AdoRabLe!! Agustin helping Shane sort through his TY Beanie Babies. It looks as if they are having a hay day playing! They're even dressed alike!
My, you have been so busy lately. You've been cleaning everything in sight!! You'll have a one way ticket to Portugal in your mail in a few days, Ok??!
I wish i had an "Aunt Tommie"! She seems like a lot of fun!
Happy Valentines Day!!
Many hands make work light and it's always so much easier when several of you are involved.
Good job.
Sounds like what I need to do and plan to do starting in another week or two -- DECLUTTERING! We just accumulate too much stuff.
Oooh...thrift stores!!! I can't wait!
shew! now I'm exhausted!
I didn't realize that blankie was more than 1 layer till you said so! haha
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