"...O God, and our hearts are restless until they find their REST in You." – St. Augustine
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Some 'WISE and FRUGAL' principles of governing that Thomas Jefferson committed to posterity
-Thomas Jefferson
"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government," Jefferson added, a reminder to adhere to the basic limitations set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights – limitations on government that now no longer exist.
And lastly, this Jefferson quote gives me pause, as I consider how this generation is being brain-washed to think they need to look to government to care for them.
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them,"
-Thomas Jefferson
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
As you know, my Aunt Tommie has been down from Indiana visiting family. We were so happy to have her stay in our home the week before last.
Do you remember the T.V. show and game entitled, "WHERE IN THE WORLD IS CARMEN SAN DIEGO?" It focused on Carmen traveling around the globe and taught geographical skills. Having covered a lot of ground with Aunt Tommie Thursday before last made me want to journal our last day together. I had thought about a similar title for this post. "WHERE IN THE WORLD IS THOMASINE CAMPBELL?" Another thought for a title was to play off of, "WHERE'S WALDO?" with "WHERE'S TOMMIE?"(And a few other people thrown in the mix)
We loaded her stuff into my SUV then headed out to one of her favorite places to shop at while in Florida-BEALL'S! I didn't get a photo of her in there, but she found some great things!
West Gate Baptist Church. Another church my brother helped build.
One of the Sunday School classrooms. I think these rooms are used during the week for college lectures.
What a fun day! She really seemed to enjoy every minute of it!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Copy and paste, then change the answers to apply to you. If you post this on your blog, be sure to let me know so I can stop by to learn more about you! Fill in the answers about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be!! REPOST with name of high school and graduating year in the subject box. I posted this on Facebook then decided to post it here as well.
1. Did you date someone from your school? No, but I had a big crush on the Pastor's son!
2. Did you marry someone from your high school? NO
3. Did you car pool to school? Part of the time. When I lived with the Holbrooks, I rode with them to school, then my parents returned to S.C. so I moved back to Greenville with them, at which time I began driving myself to classes in Traveler's Rest.
4. What kind of car did you have? Most of the year, it was a brown Dodge Coronet. I can't remember what I drove after I moved though, it was my parents car, not my own, I do know that!

Monday, February 16, 2009
When Plans Go Awry...
Yesterday's big family get together turned out to be somewhat smaller than we imagined, due to the nasty flu hitting Naomy and Tiffany had to be at her church to teach a Sunday School class; so they couldn't be with us at church for the Dartt concert. I don't know why Josh and Tiff never showed up to eat with us though! I'll ask Josh when he comes over tonight!
Those of us who were together did have a great time. Aunt Donna, while still looking a little weak and pale to me, felt good enough to cut the rug with my nephew, Josh Vernoy! Thanks for your prayers for her recovery.
I'm hesitant to post this video clip because I hate my voice on it. I was giggling and am also just getting over the flu, but here goes --
So that's my Aunt Donna! Isn't she the cutest little thing? She turns 83 in November.
(DISCLAIMER: Josh is also just getting over the flu and threw on some old work clothes to run over to the house to get a couple of plates of food. As usual, he took time to entertain Aunt Donna who loves him very much! I think because he always showers her with this kind of attention!)
Aunt Tommie, Mom, Me, Aunt Donna, Ellie
Donna (in dress of many colors!) is eldest, then came Aunt Tommie. Dad was next to baby out of the six.
Mom prepared roast beef with potatoes, carrots, cabbage. Sweet corn and her delicious green beans were the other two side dishes. She also warmed over some chicken and dumplings left over from supper Saturday night. I brought yeast rolls to bake and made a huge banana pudding. All seemed to enjoy!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Concerts, Banana Pudding, Friends, & Relatives
We are expecting lots of visitors, mostly our family members. Let's see: Josh Vernoy and Naomy were going to try to get substitutes to work their bus route at West Gate this morning so they can attend dad's church. My Josh and Tiffany plan on being with us for service today. Also, My cousin Ron, his wife Ellie, and his mom (my Aunt Donna) will be with us as well. They're coming to take Aunt Tommie back to spend a little more with them and Aunt Donna before she leaves at the end of this month. Aunt Tommie has been at my parent's home since Thursday evening.
Tonight, a friend's sister will be doing a mini-concert at dad's church. Then my friend's hubby will preach. As you know, dad is still recovering from surgery and the flu to boot.
Have a great day in the Lord! Now I better get cookin'!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I wanted a wedding photo of the two of them to post here, but tsk tsk, I have none of them together. I do have a wonderful DVD of the entire wedding which I wish I could share with you all. It was a fantasy dream outdoor wedding!!! So gorgeous was the venue and the couple! They were married in Venezuela; but before heading to South America for the big ceremony, some paperwork and formalities had to be taken care of here. My dad officiated in a small, family ceremony and I do have some photos of that day to share here.
Many happy years to you and Brian, sweet Jackie! I love you both so much and am so happy you have gifted the world with Elena and Abby! I'm looking forward to more of such gifts! *wink*
The gorgeous bride!

I had such mixed emotions this day. I was so happy Jackie had found the love of her life and was moving on to create a new life for herself, BUT just when I was getting used to having her near again, she was off to far away lands! You see, after caring for Jackie as a toddler, her family moved to Venezuela, allowing us to see her (my sister's family) only every few years when they would fly to the states for furlough or health issues. When Jackie graduated high school, she came to live in Tampa with my parents while she worked to save money for college. After a year or so, she was off to college, and then engaged, then married, then moved to Costa Rica, then moved to Paraguay!! I did get to spend some time with her between some of those moves which was great. She can always make me laugh! Especially when we talk about one of our late night trips to Dunkin Donuts and the guy thought we were economists because we were both doing math trying to figure out a deal! LOL We almost wet our pants on the ride home due to laughing so hard! (Both of us stink at math, but the guy behind the counter seriously asked: "Are you an economist?" and he asked in a nasally voice which Jackie can mimick perfectly!)

Dad in the background signing the Marriage Certificate.
Friday, February 13, 2009
ALL FOR UNDER $5.00!!!
Shane donated a huge bag full of toys and clothing to the Hope Children's Home Thrift Store. While there, dropping off our junk - er uh, discarded items, look what we found! All for less than a total of $5.00! What fun it was plundering the store!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Took Aunt Tommie Shopping...
The two of us taking a break!
The "Men Folk" patiently??? waiting when we exited Dillard's!
It was a beautiful day here in Florida on Monday. It has been such a blessing having my jolly Aunt Tommie with me this week! I must take her to my parent's home tonight and I DON'T WANT TO! I've been teasing her that I have to "pass off the football" tonight. We will surely miss her laughter in this house.
(P.S.) Rita, please send me that email again so I can obtain the photo of our Great-Great Grandma Nichati!)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Caylee's Memorial Service
I cannot watch the clips of Caylee on T.V. or read about her without my heart locking up, a lump forming in my throat, and tears streaming down my face. I've awakened many nights recently in a start, and crying, mourning this baby girl's death. What a sad, sad case. I want the mother to confess and give every torrid detail. I want to see justice in the worst way. Join me in prayer for this mother and her poor heartbroken parents. I pray they are introduced to Jesus, the only one who can truly ease their pain and forgive any wrong doing in this case. I pray the person guilty of this murder gets their penalty, which I believe should be death.
Click here---Caylee's Memorial Service
Monday, February 09, 2009
Thanks for the kind comments and YES I have had my hair colored back to my natural shade. I actually did it simply to cover up all that GRAY!! I have been bleached blond for so many years except for the past three. I chose to do absolutely nothing to it other than cut and pamper it these past few years. I realized just how long it has been since I've worn my natural color when my soon to be twenty two year old son told me he had never seen me with dark hair! I was tempted to go back to blond but on a whim, decided to try my natural brown/reddish color. Most people have said they like it. I'm still not so sure.
I love the photo of Shane below. He looks to be in pain but was simply practicing his spelling words orally. He was wrapped up in his daddy's robe to keep warm and would throw his head back, squinch his eyes shut tight as he tried to remember the spelling of each word. I just had to snap this one. I thought he looked so cute and cozy.
Our Super Bowl snacks! Agustin had worked all day, so we kept our evening simple. When he got home, he made his famous chicken wings and fondue cheese which is great on Tuscan bread.