Shane is in the photo below. The *teddy bear* wearing his sailor hat on right.
When I walked into the auditorium last evening, I sensed something was wrong, just didn't feel right, something seemed to be missing. As services started, I realized it was our Pastor who was missing! He was admitted into the hospital for chest pains. They were to do stress tests and blood work on him today. He is a young man in his 30's. Please pray for him and his family. He has 4 of the most precious little children I've ever known! I will call the church office tomorrow to get an update on him.
Due to Pastor's dilemma, we had Pastor Richard Rossiter from Cornerstone Baptist Church preach for us last night. He is our former youth pastor, but God called him to be a Pastor last year. Our church had been praying for some time to start a mission church in a town a little further north. The Lord worked it out for Bro. Rossiter to pastor the new mission in Spring Hill, FL. It is doing well. Please pray for that ministry as it reaches souls for Christ and encourages the saints.
I thought I would share a few quotes from last night's sermon which was taken from Matthew 4, vs. 1 - 8, on temptations. It was a convicting sermon and one I needed to hear.
Quote 1 - "The only spiritual weapon we have against the devil is knowledge of the Word of God."
Quote 2 - "To fall into temptation of the flesh, you must assume that God's provision for you is not enough."
Quote 3 - (Speaking here about Satan tempting Jesus in the desert) "Satan's ultimate goal was to assassinate the sacrifice. He wanted Jesus to assert his will over God's."
Quote 4 - "How do I overcome temptations? All you have to do is agree with God and disagree with Satan."
Quote 5 - "When you fall, it's because you are distant from the Lord."
Example : "If my son is standing by my side and even holding my hand, how likely is he to go ahead and fall into sin? How likely is he to go right on and steal that piece of candy? Not very, for he knows I am right there close to him. But when he is out on his own, when there is distance between dad and son, the son is then more likely to fall into temptation. It's the same with us and Christ. If there is not distance, no sin between us, we are less likely to fall. If we have allowed a distance to grow between us and Christ, we are more likely to fall." Pro. 29:6
Quote 6 - "Satan changed scriptures." Compare Matt. 4:5 & 6 to Psalm 91:11 & 12
Much more was taught but I think you get the idea of the sermon. We can choose to resist temptation and obey God instead, just as Jesus did!
This down to earth sermon brought me to the realization that I have been allowing things to put a distance between my Lord and I. Therefore I have fallen into bad attitudes and bursts of anger of late. The Lord knew I needed that sermon last night. I am so so thankful for a God who orchestrates things for the good of His children; for the good of ME!
On another note: My friend Kim at Home Sweet Home has finally found time to post on her blog this week. Two times actually. It's the first time since June 8th, so can you imagine my surprise when today I thought I'd just mosey on over to her blog to see if there was something new up and sure enough! Can you imagine my surprise when I saw she has posted twice this week! I would like to encourage you to give her a visit as she could use some encouragement right now. Just click here to read about her life and family a tad. I'm sure some sweet comments would be so appreciated by Kim. Below is a photo of Kim ready to pop some of her delicious oatmeal cookies into the oven!
One more thing! Yesterday, Wednesday, was also the birthday of a sweet friend of mine. Pat,over at Moments In Time celebrated with her family. She also is going through some difficult times at present. She could use an uplifting visit from some of you fine bloggers as well. Here is Pat with her two lovely, godly daughters!
Pam, it sounds like a very good message. I sure hope your Pastor's condiction is not anything serious. I will be praying for him as well as his family.
I will go visit the blogs that you mentioned. Have a good night Pam. connie from Texas
I pray your Pastor's health is okay. Cute photo of your teddy bear!
What a sweet heart you have! I'll go now and pay Kim and Pat a visit.
Awww I'm sad I missed such a good message, hearing Rossiter is always a blessing!
But I think from what I heard that all of pastor's test came back negative so far.
Potpouri? LOL I'm still trying to figure out the reason behind that title...did i miss it? LOL
Hope your pastor will be ok. Thanks for the links of your friends blogs for me to check out. I love checking out new blogs.
Hope all is well Pam.
Big hugs to you today
:) candy
Glad the lesson and sermon was just what you needed. God is so good and faithful to us and our needs.
Sure hope your Pastor is doing better!
Kim posted!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!
Maybe you could touch up that pic of me a little!!
Also, maybe Kim will bake US some cookies !LOL
You sure a are a sweet friend!!
Yes, I got the before message---I was at my son's for dinner!!
Love N hugs!
I'm sorry to hear about your pastor. Thank the Lord there was someone that your pastor knows and trusts that could fill in for him. He is awful young to be dealing with such things physically. I'll be praying for him and the family...please keep us updated on things.
That sounds like a great sermon. Church is so much more exciting when you go expecting to hear from God! I know it sounds simple, but it's so easy to get in a rut and become deaf to the preacher.
Sounds like a great message. Such a cute pic of your teddy bear.
I am praying for your pastor, I can only imagine how scary this is for he and his family and such a young age too.
Hugs, Lyndy
Pam, thanks for sharing the sermon quotes. I did enjoy those.
Harrison LOVES his Patch class too.
Praying for your Pastor!! Update soon on him, ok?
Number 3 sure hit home for me. That is what satan does to us also. That is how he gets me to doubt and fear, by getting me to insist that my will is more important than God's. Thank you Pam. I needed this one today.
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