We kept it simple this Christmas Eve. Rather than the Mexican Feast, we served penne pasta with meat sauce and cheesy garlic toast. On one hand, I thought it was great as I enjoyed not being exhausted from prepping and cooking all day, therefore being able to enjoy the family and gifts so much more! But on the other hand, it just didn't seem like a Rios Christmas Eve. We ALL really missed our traditional meal.
Dessert anyone?
The scarf on the table was made by my Aunt Donna! I use it each Christmas!

The most delicious, moist cake ever! Thanks to our friends at Southern Granite for the gift from Wright's Gourmet House! This banana walnut piece of heaven, covered in cream cheese frosting is the BOMB! (Actually it's called the Hawaiian Princess Cake!)
The gifts awaiting to be opened!
everything looks wonderful!
The older I get you would think tradition trumps work, but the work trumps tradition. I have been wanting to switch to something simpler to save on fatigue and work, plus because of our finances.
I think your meal looks yummy! Especially on your nice plates!
EVERY thing looks beautiful. The food and the table and the tree.
Since adding our son in laws we've had a few changes in our traditions. Trust me, I never dreamed of tamales on Christmas eve!!! It's all good! We love learning new things and finding it's about family and love no matter what food we eat.
I think tonight we will be having some traditional Mexican food for the last night of the year. I'll let you know later what I think ;)
all looks GOOD
It all looks delicious!
Nice photos. I totally agree about missing traditions. Last year we did something other than our normal traditional New Year's Eve activity and we really missed it. This year we went right back to our normal tradition.
Your tree is gorgeous and that meal looks fantastic!!!!!!
Your house and your table and all the food looks so pretty. You have such a knack for putting things together.
Pretty Pretty tree.
♥ Joy
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