It seems our marriage grows better and stronger with each passing year! There have been times in the past when I wondered if we would make it to 10 years of marriage. Thanks to God's sustaining grace, we made it to 10 and then some! Have any of you ever thought that you wish you knew then what you know now: in terms of a marital relationship? I certainly have! I'm so thankful for God's faithfulness helping us maneuver through some tough times in our marriage. I know without HIM, Agustin and I wouldn't be where we are today!
Te quiero, mi tamal caliente!
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Happy Belated anniversary!!!
Happy New Year too!!
Congratulations!!!! December 13th is our oldest daughter's BD so it's a special day to us, too!!!
I don't know any long term successful marriage that hasn't gone through some tough times and challenges. That is, after all, what makes it successful!!!
Congratulations! :)
Hot couple on the cover! Happy Anniversary!! All the best and many blessings for 2009!
Happy, happy anniversary, Pam, to you and hubby, and a happy, healthy 2009 to you and your family! Love, Jane
Happy Anniversary!!!!
Love ya
Hope you make many. many, more anniversary memeories!!
(cannot believe yours and Ritas likeness in this photo of you!!)
Happy 23rd Anniversary! Happy New Year too!
May God bless you with many more!
Happy Belated Anniversary....22 years, something to be very proud of!
Happy Anniversary!!
like the new look!
Congratulations and a very Happy New Year to you and your family, may it be a great one. Pam
Gee. I'm almost a month late, but HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!
Curiosity cause me to query; Why December for a wedding?
I forgot to make you a card (gets worried face)
I think we have all had those "wish I knew then what I know now" moments.
Congratulations on 22 years!
Woo Hoo!
Happy Anniversary. I'm glad you two got to steal away for a little while and spend some time together.
What a great picture. Wishing you many more great years together.
Hugs, Lyndy
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