Diana P. and crazy caterer, Pat!!
( Do you think she'll kill me for posting this photo?)

Miriam (caterer) shows off her cute apron.

The first part of the celebration was held in the church auditorium. Many came to the platform to share words of praise, honor, and love on my daddy's behalf.

Dad with Pastor Max Kaster. Pastor Kaster ordained dad into the ministry back in the seventies.

My dad LOVES lighthouses, thus, THE CAKE!
My friend Shannon baked this delicious piece of art!

Dad and Mom

Dad and I
I'm so happy Pastor Kaster snapped this photo. I'll treasure it forever!

Dad and Kimmie, one of his former students! She is such a joy to have around.

Mom and Steve!
What do you suppose Steve just said to her?
Please leave me a caption for this photo!

Adam Taub with Steve and Becky Smith
thank you sweet pam for the comments. its great to hear from you. infact it gave me a bit of encouragement.
the last few days have been tough and especially today as i had to go to my doctor to see why ive been so dizzy. my blood pressure was high again even though im already on meds for it. please keep mein prayer if you could. i hate feeling like everything is spinning and tend to worry.
will keep you all in prayer too. thanks for the comments always great to hear from you
oh yeah regarding the caption pic...
steve says: so mom, what do you think of barrack obamas latest plans?
mom: hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa
sorry pam i couldnt resist :) i know how much of a political junkie you are (as you call yourself) :) so thats the best i could come up with lol
Such a wonderful celebration, Pam. What a lovely way to honor your father. :o)
The church is beautiful.
jAne * tickleberry farm
That picture of your mom is priceless! I wonder what on earth he said?!
Wow...it looks like the celebration for your Dad was full of lots of happy moments. I'm so glad.
What a wonderful celebration! I have no idea what Steve could have said to your mom, but what a great reaction!
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