The fall swag would have welcomed you at our front door.

"Mr. Tom Turkey" (whom I made and painted about six years ago!)
would have gobbled a greeting to you.

I laid out the "post-it" note labels and serving utensils so mom would know exactly where to place her side dishes when she arrived.

I like to place "post-it" notes on my serving table, affording me confidence that I have plenty of serving trays and dishes, and that all dishes and platters will fit.

This platter held our Honey-Baked Ham!

If you could have been with us, I would have allowed you to choose any seat at the table-- from which we all waddled away like STUFFED TURKEYS!

The star of the show! My Rosemary & Lemon stuffed turkey!
HINT: Any fruit placed in the bird's cavity will help keep the meat moist! You can use apples, but citrus fruit is best, i.e. grapefruit, oranges, lemons, lime, or grapes.

Speaking of stuffed turkeys! Oops, nope, it's dad, myself, and mom!

More turkeys. Oops again, it's a Josh and a Tiffany.

More turkeys! WHAT?!? Pardon moi! It's Paloma and I.

Once again, MORE TURKEYS! Oops, sorry, wrong again. It's the crew Playing a great game - "IMAGINE IF". I suggest you buy this one! What fun! If you had been here, I'm sure we would have learned lots about you during this game!

Three gentlemen turkeys, uh, I mean MEN, doing what men do best on Thanksgiving - WATCHING FOOTBALL!
Alrighty, no more turkeys!
Naomy brought over a scrumptious Pumpkin Log with a cream cheese filling, her first ever to make! She proudly shows it off here!
(I ate the last piece today!)

DON'T ASK! (the faces) Oh and the pink socks Paloma wore are mine. Her feet were freezing! I also lent a purple pair to
Georgiann, a khaki pair to Tiffany, a .... Maybe I should have turned my A.C. up!!! It was really chilly outside, but due to the oven and all the lights on and so many bodies in the house, but I - the lady with hot flashes - needed that A.C. on!!! Guess what? If you had been here with us, I would have gladly lent you a colorful pair of socks to keep your tootsies warm too!
What Your Thanksgiving Meal Says About You

When it comes to the holidays, you follow and love the big traditions. You look forward to them every year.
You see the holidays as a time to think about what's important to you. It's a good time to reflect and regroup.
You like the aspects of the holiday that remind you of your childhood - opening presents, treats, and old favorite foods.
During the holidays, you are likely to feel comforted. At your worst, you feel a bit over-indulgent.
You consider yourself to be a bit of a purist, and you're proud of it.
You tend to spend your holidays sharing and pitching in. You'll do whatever needs to be done.
Wish I could have been there too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:) :)
Everything and everyone looks nice and so do you.
Love your house and LOVE that clock on your wall!!!! Very nice!!
Love candy :)
Thanks for all the pictures. It was great to see my kids and all the rest of the family! Miss you all.
What a fun, newsy, informative post, Pam. Loved it all. I, like you, am a Thanksgiving traditionist. I knew that before taking the quiz :o)
What a beautiful meal you served. Everything looked like it came out of a magazine! I'm taking mental notes!
Well, wouldn't you know it? My quiz results were the same as yours. Go figure! lol
Your pictures look like y'all had a lot of fun!
Dear Pam, it looks like a great family time and you look so pretty. It was a lot of fun, I am sure. Your table and all looks so inviting. Have a great week. connie
Awwww. Now I wish I HAD been there! (Can I have red socks?)
We're at the stage where the old folks don't enjoy group games and the grandkids EAT them! (the games, not the old folks!) Sad, sad, sad! Oh well, we got to celebrate twice and ate enough to feed an army.
I do that sticky note thing too. I thought I was the only one!
I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving with family. I like your idea of using the post-it notes to figure out where all the food goes. :)
Looks like you all have lots of fun.
I like the pink socks... :)
Did you delete a meme?
What a lot of fun that must have been. Happy Thanksgiving, a bit late.
Looks like a great day with great people and great food!
Looks like it was a very fun filled, food, filled day of family.
I'm excited to check out the game. I'd like to find something new before the kids come home for Christmas.
I would've loved to have been there. I love to play games. It looks like you all had so much fun and delicious food. Thanks for the turkey tip. I didn't know that.
I'd have come!! but I'd need a whole bathrobe or a blanket...now I know and whenever I visit you I'll bring my own!!
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