Elena reminds me SO VERY much of her mommy, Jackie. She is Miss Personality! She walked into my house beaming ear to ear and bursting out with, "Hi Tia Pam!" I lifted her up to squeeze and greet her. We both began giggling and just staring into each other's eyes. She finally looked away and told her mommy, "Tia Pam is funny!" Elena is talkative, happy, bubbly and giggly until you mention "night night" or "nap" or the terrible word "Sleep"!!! She and Abby are so close, even at their young ages. Abby is a more subdued child than Elena, with her personality being polar opposite it seems, than that of her older sister. She is a cuddler and very calm baby, with the most gorgeous blue eyes you've ever seen.
It melted my heart when at the end of the day, I was trying to soothe and comfort Abby after their baths. Abby was so, so tired but didn't want to be in the portacrib. Tears and screams ensued! I picked little Abby up out of the crib, wrapped her in her blankie and began to rock with her on the side of my bed. She calmed some but when I called Elena in, you should have seen the sweet contentment come over Abby. It was a remarkable moment for me as I watched Elena lean into Abby's face and start rubbing her cheek while cooing and soothing as we mommies do. Abby in turn began playing with Elena's hair and smiling as she sucked the thumb of her unoccupied hand. I started singing "Jesus Loves Me" to Abby. Elena chimed right in with a very soft, tender voice. Tears began to flow down my face as I realized these two precious bundles will be leaving the states in less than a week! This was probably my last time alone with them for Lord knows how many years. This went on for about 10 minutes, at which time the Grandparents arrived to take the girlies home with them. I'm very thankful for the opportunity of bonding with my great-nieces.