We drove to Tampa to attend church HERE with Joshua and his friends Sunday morning, then took them to Sam Seltzer's Steakhouse for a steak dinner. That was the BIG BIRTHDAY BASH! LOL Because it's what Josh wanted, it was fine with us. And can you believe, that I, the Queen of picture taking, forgot to have my camera with us??? Mom took a couple with her cell phone. I will have to remember to get them from her.
Duh Duh Duh Dum! Scroll Down Please...
He chose that we pay for his ...
HUH? What??? My baby is going to learn to jump from a plane??? Oh the joys of having ADULT (or so called) CHILDREN! LOL I love that booger! So it was settled. Lunch on Sunday and an earth crashing, oops, I mean a skydiving lesson in 2 weeks. Oh and the rest of the story...
His ....
Ol' ....
DAD ....
wants to jump from the plane with him!!! Ay Dios Mio!
Well, you can be sure this Mama will remain with her feet planted well, down on earth, taking lots of photos, which I will be sure to share here on this blog! In the meantime, I will leave you with the following photos of this amazing young man, some of which are my favorites. I am proud to call him "SON".

Striking a pose at age 3.

Glad to be out of the car after a full day of traveling! I LOVE this photo of his sweet face!
Sports of any kind have always been my boy's thing! No matter what type of physical feat challenges him even today, he conquers and quite elegantly!
He has always been our ALL -STAR whether he played sports or not.

Up to bat! #2
This past summer, Josh giving his little brother a piggy back ride.
Beach House Vacation, summer 2007 on Hunting Island, S.C.

Josh with assistant coach, Coach Mitchell, after the Sport's Banquet of his Senior year, 2005. During this banquet, Josh was presented with MVP award in Basketball and The Coach's Award. Coach Ragel gave a positive, short speech about Josh and shared that he felt Josh deserved The Coach's Award for many reasons, one being his Christian testimony and leadership both on and off the court, another for playing with heart and passion.
Two tired brothers after a day on the beach!
Josh with his cousin, Josh Vernoy, building an elaborate sand castle. What you see here was just the beginning. This thing turned out awesome! They spent an entire day working on it. Several family members worked in shifts with them as well. Watching their minds in action reminded JUNGLE MOM and I of days gone by when these two created, conjured, and played the days away.
Happy Birthday, chico!
Happy Birthday!!
Aaron skydived a few month ago---it is fun!!! We wanna watch--let us know!(they do dvds and give them
to you!!)
How did he get soo old???(jk)
He is a fine Christian young man!
Belated Birthday Greetings to your Son, on what is the most important day - as his awakening of years - now leads his own destiny of life.
Wow, Pam an amazing blog you have and delightful colour scheme - enhances your postings too.
A delight to read
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOSH!! I am with your Mom on the skydiving bit. You be careful young man. God didn't give us wings for a reason. We are suppose to keep our feet on earth.lol. At least this is the kind of things that I tell my sons.
The pictures are great, Pam! A very handsome young man showing a very happy young man with twenty one years lived fully with a Mom and Dad that love him greatly. connie from Texas
He should have a great time. Skydiving is one of my secret "things I want to do in life", so is hang-gliding! But first I have to get over my fear of flying and heights! hee hee
Oh Yes! I am alive and lurking!
Happy Birthday to Josh. 21 is certainly THE line marker.
Happy Birthday to your Eldest Son! I'm happy you got to spent time with him for the big 21 :)
But I'm with you...I will NEVER jump out of an Airplane that is not on fire! ;)
Well happy 21st! Funny my guy chose steak too!
SKY DIVING??!?!?!? Don't tell my kids that!
happy birthday to him hun!..what a sweet heart!
Wow...skydiving sounds fun...except I always wondered how I would get my glasses to stay on.
Since I am a little late here, have they started lessons yet?
no skydiving for me...I am a BIG chicken..
A belated Happy Birthday..
I know how hard it is to have your oldest getting "older" because Ashleigh turned 22 last week. Crazy!
And as for him (and your hubby) jumping out of a plane--yikes!! I don't think I could watch!
Happy Birthday to Josh! That picture of him on the bed reminds me of Shane. I know he and Agustin will enjoy the skydiving. Will they be coming to SKydivecity? If so I'd like to watch!
happy birthday to your son. I clicked on the link to see what church you went to visit, and I am quite familiar with that one. My neighbor goes to school there and it is about 5 minutes from where we live. It is a small world. We head out of Tampa for church (Grace Family Church ) in Lutz.
What a beautiful montage of photos depicting your son. 21. 21!!! It goes by sooo fast, doesn't it? He's obviously a well adjusted young man who loves our Lord and his family and is making a wonderful niche in his adult life. But skydiving?! yowzie kazowzie. I don't know how I'd handle that one. How 'bout you tell us when and we'll all pray at the same time? :o)
OH MY GOSH....Sky diving lessons and his dad wants to do it too??!! I would be one nervous wreck of a mother and wife at this point!
He is quite a handsome young man! Loved seeing the pics of him.
Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. I came back to find out more about your life. I love your post about Josh. What an amazing boy. You are blessed. I love the 3-year-old photo.
What an adorable little boy and quite a handsome young man he's grown into. Another 10 years and the Boss will be that age. Oy vey!
Happy late Birthday, Josh!!!! I enjoyed all of your pictures.
Boy, your mom sure is proud. She just goes on and on and on about you, huh? LOL
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