Hop on over to Kelli's House to sign up on Mr. Linky for today's Show and Tell!
I know! I know! The last two times that I've
participated in Show and Tell, I have used a person rather than an interesting thing or object! But today is my daddy's 71st birthday, so please oblige me to show off one more person this Friday! Thanks, you all are so kind!
I have so much that I would love to tell you about my dear dad, but it would be too long! I know you have other Show and Tells to visit today! So let me just say a few things to try and help you all get to know him a little bit.
First and foremost, I need you all to know that my dad is a very godly man. He is a quiet natured guy who goes with the flow as long as it isn't something displeasing to His Lord. He isn't one that insists on having his own way. He has been described as a most humble man. Fellow pastors talk about dad's wisdom and how they wish they could be more like him. He would best be described as a Mr. Steady-ALL THE WAY!! (Read Debi Pearl's book, "Created To Be His Helpmeet" if you don't know what I mean by Mr. Steady!)
71 years ago, today, my dad was born in the mountains of West Virginia to a farming family. Dad's dad also worked as a blacksmith and my father has many wonderful childhood memories of hanging around the smithy. My grandfather also was an Old Regular Baptist Preacher, 2nd generation. My dad grew up in the country, mountains to be exact, near the Hatfield's and McCoy's; two families who have gone down in history for their ferocious feuding! One night his dad let a Hatfield spend the night with them as he was hiding from a McCoy! How cool is that?!?
Dad had worked hard helping work on the family farm. As an adult, dad learned to drive a coal truck. Those were the days when coal mines were booming up in the head of the hollers of W.Va. Later, when the mining was slowing down, dad and mom decided to do what my uncle and some of their friends had done --move to California to work in the saw mills. Dad knows the Lord was in that move, because California is where a loving Pastor visited him on visitation one rainy Tuesday evening and lead him to Christ. Sadly, even though my dad was raised in a preacher's home, he had never accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior.
It wasn't long after his salvation and growing quickly in the knowledge and grace of his Savior, that dad felt called to preach. It was prayed about and decided he would attend Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C. While in Bible School, dad felt the call of God upon his life to be a missionary. After much prayer, we were hitting the road and churches of like faith and doctrine presenting our slides for the field of Australia. As the time came for VISAS, the door to Australia was closed for missionaries. Only teachers and tourists could get in. The Lord never leaves his child hanging though. He is faithful. Dad remembered a small town in Florida we spent a little time in during deputation travels. The town had no solid independent Baptist church in it. God laid that small cow town on dad's heart as a needy place to plant a church. So off to Arcadia, Fl we moved. After starting what is now Heritage Baptist Church in Arcadia, the Lord moved me to Mexico and my parents to Logan, W. V. where dad planted another new church. It is still going strong today, the last I heard. There is so much more to my dad's life, but this is already getting too long.
Today, we are so thrilled Dad is still with us! He had his 3rd heart attack back in the first part of April and underwent triple bypass surgery a few days later. Only 8 years prior, dad had 5 bypasses done in an emergency open heart surgery. This last surgery was some easier on us, as we had time to prepare and call family. Dad also had a heart attack back in the 70'2 while pastoring a little church in Arcadia, Florida. Dad also suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, along with his heart issues. I'm proud to say that my dad keeps marching on, serving God, shepherding his flock. My mother has had many major health issues. We see how Satan tried to deter and distract from the ministry through all the hardships, but thankfully, my parents remained faithful, and still to this day they serve in the pastorate of Smyrna Baptist Church, Tampa, FL. I think my dad's forte in ministry is helping folks heal from the loss of a loved one or some huge hurt. He is great at officiating funerals and comforting whomever needs it.
I was Instant Messaging with dad tonight and when I wished him a happy birthday, he started sharing with me some facts concerning his birth. He was born at 1 p.m. His Grandma Riffe and Aunt Mary England were the midwives for his birth. He was born at home. (My niece Jackie will be glad to know that. Of course, back then, I think most babies were born at home)
Now I know most of you have seen many of these photos before, but I do have some newer readers of my humble, little blog. I'd like them to get to know my dad better. I have also included some photos here which may only interest my sister in Venezuela and my niece in Paraguay. I considered emailing certain photos to them privately but then decided it was fine to just post them here. I regret I don't have any photos of my father when he was younger. I need to get to his home and dig some up to scan! I leave you now so that you may get to know my dad a little more.

Dad and Mom
Christmas Eve, 2006
Dad in the blue shirt at a family dinner at ...GUESS WHERE? Leave your guess as to which restaurant this is in my comment section! August, 2006
Dad with my son Josh after Josh preached in the church dad pastors. June, 2006
Dad poses with Shane and Grandma!
Dad at head of table in red shirt, family dinner, December 2006
Dad receives a lighthouse ornament from his sister Tommie, visiting from Indiana.
December, 2006
Shane LOVES giving Grandpa his shot for diabetes! He always asks his Grandpa,"Hey, is it time for me to make you cry like a baby?" It's so cute to watch Shane go to dad's desk, get out the kit, prick dad's finger, record his blood sugar levels on the little chart, then give him this injection! I think he could be a doctor when he grows up.
Dad and Mom in the 2 Josh's college dorm room. Josh V. took the top bunk. My Josh took the bottom one. September, 2005
Dad, Mom, Josh R. Christmas 2004
The very next day after dad's open heart surgery. April, 2007
After about two weeks home, recuperating, these lovely flowers arrived from his sister Donna and her son Ron.! They were even more lovely in person. I 'm so happy I happened to be there when they arrived so I could snap this picture for the senders to see the beauty of the arrangement.
Another shot of the pretty flowers.
Me with Dad about two weeks after his surgery. I just realized he had his hands behind his back for his typical pose! His mother, my Granny Susie, used to do the same pose! LOL
He actually seemed proud to show off his scar! The surgeon used the old scar from dad's previous bypass surgery. This was taken 2 weeks after the surgery. Poor thing!
Dad with Shane, two weeks after the open heart surgery.
Rita, this is one of the two small incisions made on his right leg. Much better than his surgery 8 years ago huh? Remember they sliced his leg from top to bottom! Of course, it was an emergency then as ALL arteries were blocked! They had to get that extra vein out quick.
Dad and Mom in the midst of the Rios and Leonard families. Christmas Eve, 2006
Dad with his only two surviving siblings, Aunt Tommie and Aunt Donna! December, 2006
(His rosacia was really bad this day. Sorry dad, but I had to post this with your sissies.)
My dad is an avid ROOK player. Here he is with his back toward us playing with Agustin, Shawn, and Cory. Just a week or so before his heart attack!
As I said earlier, there is so much more I could write about and I really wish I had some photos of dad as a child and younger adult. I'll get right on that!
I'd like to invite anyone who feels they have time today to send my dad a Happy Birthday via his email. His addy is:
Have a blessed weekend my friends!
What a wonderful Show and Tell.
Thank you so much for sharing about your dad with us. I'm glad that he is still here for you to celebrate with. What a wonderful heritage to have a Godly father!
My FIL has pastored in Haines City for over 36 years. He and your dad may have actually met before. :)
Have a blessed day!
What a beautiful tribute to your dad. And the pictures were lovely.
Hi Pam - Enjoyed learning more about your dad and seeing the pictures. You can tell how much you love and respect him, and I can certainly relate!! :o)
We'll have to call and sing him "Happy Birthday" today. Hmmm, let me take a wild guess and say the restaurant is .....Olive Garden? How close am I !?
You Dad is a saint!!
I posted my answer at you green bean bundles---did not get August up!!
What a loving tribute to your father. I pray you have many more birthdays to celebrate together. I am guessing Olive Garden too. Am I right?
Thank you for "sharing" your father with us. :)
What an amazing story. Thank you for sharing
What a great Show and Tell! Thanks for sharing your Dad with us today, I can tell you have a very special love for him!
I know I know...what you are saying. I also posted a person (my son) again this week too instead of a thing.
Happy Birthday to your dad!!!!
It was fun to see all of the pictures of your dad and family. Thanks for sharing.
You have a great weekend too!
A dad who loves the Lord the best of all blessings! Enjoy...
Pam -
I read your Show and Tell about your dad with tears in my eyes. My dear dad was a pastor for many years, an evangelist traveling all over the US and Canada for nearly 20 years and a chaplain in nursing homes and hospitals for 18 years before Jesus took him home 4 years ago. As I read your beautiful tribute to your father I thought of how much he is like my father. The heritage of a Godly father is priceless!
Enjoy every minute you can with him. And you can share about the people in your life anytime you want. Thank you for introducing your dad to me.
My show and tell was about a person this week, too. :) I enjoyed reading about your dad! I am a BJU grad, too, (class of '80), and it's neat to find others and see how they're doing.
You have a wonderful family and a great dad.
Happy Birthday, dady!!!
Thanks Pam!
I am so amazed at what you mentioned about the Hatfields and McCoys because I posted about my dad who was a Hatfield!
I really enjoyed reading about your dad and looking at the pictures. He looks great! Happy Birthday to him!
Hmm...Yeah I know what restaurant you're at. LOL where else? What nice pictures though! And I didn't know you guys were ALL OVER the place during your life...LOL I learn something else about you guys almost every day, whether by you or my parents! LOL
I hope he has a nice birthday! It was really nice to see him last month during the Mother Daughter Tea, I miss seeing them more often...
Happy Birthday to your Dad, Pam!! I enjoyed reading all about him, thank you for sharing the stories! All the pictures are wonderful too!
I think you had a great show and tell. My dad had a quadruple bypass. Those are familiar scars. I too am glad that my Dad is with me today. Love on them. YOu never know when you will lose them. My Dad is the one who has had all the health troubles. On October 18, 2005 my sweet and very healthy Mom did not wake up. She went quietly home to be with her Lord and Savior. Each day is precious. Spend all the time with him that you can.
That was so sweet Pam. I enjoyed getting to know your Dad even better. He seems like a really Godly man and I was pleased to meet him. connie from Texas
Oh what a precious tribute to your dad. This was a great show and tell.
Pam, this was the perfect "Show and Tell". I so enjoyed reading about Jack. He is one of my most favorite people in the whole world. With parents like you have, no wonder you're such a sweetie!!
Love ya bunches!!
Great Show n tell!!! It was fun getting to know some about your Father, he seems like such a neat person and a wonderful father! You are so blessed!
Jumpin on over to wish him a Happy Birthday :-) I bet we are flooding his email! LOL
Pam, thank you for sharing your show and tell!!!
Enjoyed the stories and the pictures:)
Happy Birthday to your dad, thanks for sharing!
Loved ones are the best treasure to show and tell about. *smile*
Sweet! What a great dad you have. Happy Birthday to him.
Great tribute to your Daddy-looks like you've had many wonderful times together.
I'm guessing Olive Garden-I recognize those yummy breadsticks!
Those incision scars look familiar. My Dad had the same thing. I'm so glad he's doing well. What a sweet tribute.
It seems that the Lord has used your Daddy in a mighty way! Thank you for sharing. I hope he's had a wonderful birthday!
I'm guessing y'all were at Olive Garden, too. The pasta, the breadsticks (mmmm), the waiter with the white apron, and the menu by your Dad's head... that's my guess. ;o)
~ Christina
I enjoyed you sharing your dad's life with us so much! My boys would love to join him in a Rook game! LOL Happy Birthday to Pastor Riffe!
What a loving tribute to your Dad!
Pam thank you for sharing your dad with us. I just emailed him. I am still crying. I just wished Happy birthday to your dad and claimed as my blog dad due to you:)
I realized that I had never said Happy Birthday Dad, before.
Thank you for giving me this chance
((hugs)) a crying blog sister
Pam, what a sweet tribute to you dad! Parents have a way of grower dearer with each passing year.
Happy Birthday, Pastor Riffe! :o)
Pam, thank you for sharing Daddy with us. You do such a great job with your blog with inspirational stories and beautiful photos of your family. Praise the Lord! The Lord has blessed you!
Isn't it great to have father's we love so much! Your dad's pictures of his surgery reminded me of my dad's surgery...same scars! Praise the Lord they are both still with us!
What a blessing you have and a great tribute in letting everyone know it!
Happy birthday Pam and Rita's dad!
What an great show and tell...He sounds like an amazing pastor and dad. You are a very lucky daughter.
This is a heartwarming tribute to a really wonderful Dad!!! It sounds like he's had a truly amazing life, and you are all blessed to have him in your lives. I loved the pictures, too, esp. the one of both your parents. They look so sweet!! :-)
Pam, I enjoyed meeting your Dad and hearing his remarkable story...what a blessed man and family.....
Thanks for visiting with me and commenting on my faux brick floors..Please come again...Betty
This was really nice to see and read. Thank you for sharing. I pray your daddy has a great birthday. Its a blessing that he is here to share it with his family. Its so good to see him doing so well. Those flowers were beautiful too!!
I am so glad that God moved in you guys lives and has made your dad better! Hope you guys had an awesome time!
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