Last Tuesday night I attended the memorial service for my friend's husband. It was a sad occasion of course, but because Scott knew the Lord Jesus as his personal Savior, and left behind a strong testimony to that, his wife and kids were able to function stalwartly and peacefully as they navigated through the evening. The church was packed. Most of their church family were in attendance, many friends from high school days in the Florida Keys were there, and MANY of Scott's fellow employees from Sarasota Memorial Hospital brought their support as well. It was so evident that Marie had the PEACE THAT PASSETH ALL UNDERSTANDING which only comes from our loving Lord.
Officiating the service were her current pastor, her former pastor, who performed their wedding ceremony also shared from his heart; but for me, the most moving words came from the chaplain of Sarasota Memorial Hospital. He read entries from a beautiful journal in which he had collected thoughts from Scott's co-workers. One couldn't have left that service Tuesday without being assured of Scott's testimony at work and his influence on even his patients. Everyone spoke to the fact of Scott being such a family man and truly loving his family, talking about them all the time at work. Marie was presented the journal of course which I'm sure she'll cherish. Scott's co-workers and friends from her church had brought so many groceries and meals that her fridge, pantry, her Grandma's fridge and even her sister's fridge were full and running over! What a blessing for her family.
Driving into the small town for the service was like taking a trip back in time for me. I spent ten of my most memorable years there and was anticipating seeing many friends which Marie and I have in common.
I just LOVE this woman! Una Pearl - Marie's grandma!
Scotty with his baby daughter! Marie is to the right in purple and black.
Sherry O. and I. She was a little hesitant to having her photo taken. She had been working all evening in the kitchen, getting the food ready to feed the masses. I had forgotten about this gal's servant's heart! That is one of her many qualities which make her so beautiful. I remember the last funeral I attended here in this town. Sherry had spent most of her time in the kitchen then as well. What a sweet blessing she is to many. We taught school together back in the day. When her hubby left for boot camp (Marine), he left me with the charge to take care of her! Needless to say, Sherry and I grew very close during those months.
Bill with one of his daughters. Teresa, and Mom.
Mom and Sherry! Oh what reminders of times past!
The side yard looking back to the pool house. I'm hoping you can see the orange trees if you enlarge this one.
Some of the ranch acreage you see when driving into town.
Much love and comfort was felt and given that night! After the service and meal at the church, I was able to leave town, feeling assured Marie was being looked after. Her eldest son had arranged a red cross leave from the Navy and has been with her. Her sister lives nearby as well as her father and grandma who is amazing at 85 years of age! I plan on going back to spend some time with Marie once Scotty (her son) leaves.
Thanks for all your prayers but please don't forget about her and the children. They will need continued prayers as they face the days ahead.