One of my blogging buddies has awarded me with a SWEETNESS award! This is what THERESA said about me---
"PAM Of Midnight Musings not only is a friend that has stuck with me, but a very funny blogger, I get a really good laugh (almost) every time I read her blog."
Thanks Theresa, I'm so touched! I'm happy I make you laugh. Perhaps one day, if I try really hard, some dear soul may be able to say they've been ENLIGHTENED OR CHALLENGED by my blog! Oh well, in the mean time, I suppose I'll continue trying to make people laugh!
FYI #1: Pam over at GOOD NEWS FROM A FAR COUNTRY is having a Givaway! Look at what you can win if your name is drawn! Some very neat and educational souvenirs!

FYI #2: My son posted this week.! I KNOW! It has been a while. Here is the link to his short post. I thought it was so cute!
Thanks, Pam. I've entered your name in twice!
You so deserve this award, Pam, and you deserve one for sweetness, too!!! You are a very special blogger and you have more to say than you think you do!!!!!
Pam, I know that is exactly how I feel about you also. Your award for sure.
Let me be the first to say that I most always come away from your blog enlightened or challenged.lol But you are really funny also. Thanks for being here. connie from Texas
Congratulations, Pam!! I could not think of a better award for you, and I still giggle when I think of some of your funniest posts and comments!! =)
Congratulations on the award! That was really sweet! :) I haven't been reading your blog for long, but I do enjoy it and you seem to be a genuine and kind person! :) Have a wonderful weekend!
Congrats on the award Pam....what a great honor!
Whew! For a minute there I thought you were awarding Shane by giving him away...(or would that be awarding you? Or awarding the receiver?)
Hello there, and first off CONGRADULATION on the sweetness award -what a nice award to get! I am glad you liked the video about Carlos praying that you saw on our ministry blog . . . and I am most pleased to tell you who the group is . .
They are called "Hijos de Asaf" www.myspace.com/loshijosdeasaf and they consist of my Cousin Jason and his wife Rigel Schultz (the voices you hear) and the album is "Mi Mundo es muy pequeno".
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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