My nieces, Jewel and Jayde, will be arriving here in a few weeks and I am SO looking forward to one of Jewel's massages and several gifts of song from our little songbird, Jaydie Lou! Jewel has a natural gift when it comes to working out kinks and supplying soothing back rubs!
(Good Gravy! Look how much bigger my head is than hers! It must be the angle of the camera right?)
My nieces, Jewel and Jayde, will be arriving here in a few weeks and I am SO looking forward to one of Jewel's massages and several gifts of song from our little songbird, Jaydie Lou! Jewel has a natural gift when it comes to working out kinks and supplying soothing back rubs!
(Good Gravy! Look how much bigger my head is than hers! It must be the angle of the camera right?)
This is a photo of Jewel last August in the Beach House on Hunting Island, S.C. She is pictured here with her niece, Elena, who now lives in Paraguay (boo-hoo) and with her mom, Rita. (Better known to you all as Jungle Mom!)
We had her a little birthday party at Olive Garden a couple of nights before she had to return to Venezuela last August.
Jewel is blessed with the gift of "natural beauty" (Just like her Aunt Pam)!! She is very athletic and great in math (Just like her---NOT)!

At this juncture in life, she want to become a nurse. I'm very excited to see her soon!
Can you tell?
Well, I've been trying to upload photos of Jayde for the second part of my post but blogger isn't allowing me. I will try again tomorrow. So sorry Jayde, but you know Aunt Pam loves you!
Thanks for the music tip, Pam! Yup, those are some special girls...runs in the family, I guess! I'd love to meet you in person, too, Pam!
Nice post. Enjoyed the pictures. She and her sister certainly look alike. Your excitement shines through loud and clear!
You are such a proud aunt and rightly so!!
BTW, I should take blogging lessons from you---like posting pics and adding beautiful music!!
What a great friend you are for Rita, too, and the family!! They're in good hands with Pam!!
OOOH I can't wait to see Jewel!!!! I miss her! And she is soooo pretty! And so much fun! i'm so excited!
What a surprise! Thanks for all the nice things you said. I am excited to get there, but hate the packing!!!
Yes, she is beautiful. No, she is not on ,or, in the market for any suitors!!!
I will be bringing my Yekwana war clubs to the states with me!!!!
The pressures of Fatherhood!!!!
That was a very nice post, You said the sweetest things about your niece, and she does have a beautiful face.
ok the post was sweet and I loved all the special closeness I feel from you to the girls, but Clint's comment was too too funny!
You crack me up!! LOL : ) And you have every reason to be a proud Aunt!!
I'll be thinking about you tonight, as we are going to dinner at the Olive Garden--after my nephew's graduation. ; )
Great pics, you have such a lovely family! What fun you all will have when they arrive!
What great pictures and yes, she is gorgeous!
Gorgeous...just like her older sister. Hee hee! :) Wish I could see her! And you too! Ever since I saw that first picture this morning I've been laughing my head off about your "good gravy! look how much bigger my head is than hers..." comment. LOL.
She is beautiful. I am so sure you are excited to have them coming. I would be too!! I pray your time together creates many more memories for you all.
It sounds like you are in for some great family fun. I feel your excitement. connie from Texas
Have a wonderful time with Jewel and Jayde and enjoy your massage and lovely music!!!
Beautiful young lady! You have got to be a fun aunt because you are just bubbling over with the anticipation of their visit. How wonderful for all of you!! :o)
What a blessing they are able to come. I am sure y'all will have a wonderful time!
~ Christina
May her dreams - be so realised - as she has such - caring eyes!!
Delightful photos too.
I can see just how much you love your nieces. Precious and sweet. I believe Rita & Clint are extremely proud of the gifts that the Lord has given them.
The pictures are great!! (Yes, I am sure it's the camera angle. I have some of myself that did the same thing. Cute picture, all the same!!) All of your nieces sound like wonderful girls!! :-)
PAM!!! You never said what she was all dressed up!!! My curiosity is killing me. :) And yes....a beautiful girl she is!
You are hilarious! Yes, I do think it was the angle of your camera! Your niece is very beautiful!
Aaaaaaack MUSIC!!!!
You jumped me!
(Breathe, Groovy, Breathe...)
Good Job!:)
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