This made me feel so happy! Sit a couple of minutes and join in the celebration of Christ's Resurrection!
"...O God, and our hearts are restless until they find their REST in You." – St. Augustine
Monday, May 31, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Home-in Paraguay

My niece and her little family arrived exhausted but safe after an all night flight with a 2 year old, 4 year old and the new 9 week old baby. Thank God they arrived safe and sound to join my sister and her husband who were already there. We will miss them greatly! Sunday was difficult for mom and I as that is the day we went over to get our final hugs and kisses before the little family left on their long trip. I did well at keeping my emotions in check. Usually I fall apart when Rita and her crew have to leave us, but I know the girls were so so excited about getting back to their home (Paraguay). Their parents are wise and the entire year here, they spoke lovingly of their field of service and built up the excitement so that it was only natural that the girlies were filled with anticipation about getting back to their lives in Paraguay! Elena and Abbie have been speaking with joy about their garden they plan on planting when they get back home. And the cutest thing is how they both talk about how their mommy is going to have more babies and Elena squeals: "I'm gonna have lots and lots of sisters and a brother. We are going to name him Jacob!"
I mentioned earlier that I didn't break down and boo-hoo in front of the children as we said our goodbye's Sunday afternoon. ( I did however turn quickly to run to my car when I felt the tears start stinging my eyes and my lips started quivering after the hugs.) That being said, I did break down twice today! The first break down came over me like a ton of bricks when doing my laundry, I came across a pair of Abbie's little size 2 panties. the second break down flooded over me while on my walk this afternoon. As soon as I turned the corner and BOOM, there was the playground where they had so much fun while here. The tears started flowing. It passed quickly as I kept reminding myself how they deserve to be in their own home ; in the land to which God has called their family to serve. I'm sure they are thrilled to be back in their beloved Paraguay after a long year here in the states. It's okay if I miss them though, isn't it?
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Some Thoughts
Hi dear friends here in Blog land. I've missed you more than words can express. Something strange seems to have been afoot in my life and so many things have changed in the past eight months. I have peeked in on some of your blogs a bit here and there and each time I did, it drew me back into the world of blogging for a bit.
I am on Face book almost daily due to that being the favorite mode of many of my relatives and my recently rediscovered friends from the past. I always loved blogging, but never have met most of you. I read and enjoy your blogs and feel connected to you but it's a different type of relationship. I also found that Face book was a means of escape for me while coping with my husband's depression. You may remember he resigned from a job he loved and was great at (due to a very ugly situation). After two months of being unemployed, he began struggling with chronic insomnia. He was hired on with a new company, but continued to suffer with insomnia, which then impaired him from being able to concentrate or function at full capacity. Can you imagine starting a new job, wanting to make a good impression on your new boss and co-workers, but without having slept for weeks? Thankfully, he endured and proved himself . He now has adjusted to a slower store and less employees but he has made his mark. After returning from a week of vacation last week, he was greeted with open armed hugs and remarks about how it just wasn't the same there when he wasn't around. His coworkers have seen his strengths and appreciate the confidence and security he adds to the work place. As he gets stronger, I do too. We are both very different people than we were some eight months ago.
Happily, I can report that we have made some wonderful memories in the past few months. It hasn't all been negative. Many social functions and extra family in town have helped my husband and I on our road to healing. But I honestly know it was the prayer support of loved ones and friends that got us through. Times when in a natural state I would have wanted to panic or run away, I felt a calmness. I literally felt the presence of God keeping me calm and strong when I needed to be those things. It was extremely sad watching my husband go through the most difficult time of his life. He lost 22 pounds in two months. He could only sleep fifteen or twenty minutes at a time. He was miserable! The lack of sleep of course was causing other, more serious problems. I was amazed at how my strength came right from the Lord. Both Agustin and I are so relieved that we are now adjusted to our new lives. Some things are actually better than they were before the biggest challenge of our lives.
I thought I'd share some photos and videos here to highlight some of our ups and downs so far this year.
I am on Face book almost daily due to that being the favorite mode of many of my relatives and my recently rediscovered friends from the past. I always loved blogging, but never have met most of you. I read and enjoy your blogs and feel connected to you but it's a different type of relationship. I also found that Face book was a means of escape for me while coping with my husband's depression. You may remember he resigned from a job he loved and was great at (due to a very ugly situation). After two months of being unemployed, he began struggling with chronic insomnia. He was hired on with a new company, but continued to suffer with insomnia, which then impaired him from being able to concentrate or function at full capacity. Can you imagine starting a new job, wanting to make a good impression on your new boss and co-workers, but without having slept for weeks? Thankfully, he endured and proved himself . He now has adjusted to a slower store and less employees but he has made his mark. After returning from a week of vacation last week, he was greeted with open armed hugs and remarks about how it just wasn't the same there when he wasn't around. His coworkers have seen his strengths and appreciate the confidence and security he adds to the work place. As he gets stronger, I do too. We are both very different people than we were some eight months ago.
Happily, I can report that we have made some wonderful memories in the past few months. It hasn't all been negative. Many social functions and extra family in town have helped my husband and I on our road to healing. But I honestly know it was the prayer support of loved ones and friends that got us through. Times when in a natural state I would have wanted to panic or run away, I felt a calmness. I literally felt the presence of God keeping me calm and strong when I needed to be those things. It was extremely sad watching my husband go through the most difficult time of his life. He lost 22 pounds in two months. He could only sleep fifteen or twenty minutes at a time. He was miserable! The lack of sleep of course was causing other, more serious problems. I was amazed at how my strength came right from the Lord. Both Agustin and I are so relieved that we are now adjusted to our new lives. Some things are actually better than they were before the biggest challenge of our lives.
I thought I'd share some photos and videos here to highlight some of our ups and downs so far this year.
New Year's Eve was spent in the emergency room! Exciting huh? Agustin had been having chest pains, but when they intensified, he left work and asked me to drive him to the hospital. Thank the Lord, it was not a heart attack, but assumed to be panic attacks. As I said before, his lack of sleeping caused other health issues. It was strange for me to see my strong, active husband in a fragile state. He had never been hospitalized before.
We've had my niece Jackie and her family in the area since March. My niece 's little girls have fallen in love with Shane! We've fallen head over heels in love with them.

My Aunt Carol came down to visit with us.
In this 40 second video, Elena talks about how excited she is to be going back to Paraguay! As a missionary child, she was counting down the weeks by counting how many more churches they had to visit before their departure.
(This was taped about a month ago. They leave us on Monday.)
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