Friday, February 15, 2008


A)You forgot how to sign into blogger
B)You can't remember what your last post was about
C)At church last Sunday morning, a friend's hubby mentions that you've been absent from posting for quite awhile (I found Mike's comment to be cute and endearing and motivating to try to get back to my posting consistency!)

I must say, ladies and gents, that the answer is D) ALL OF THE ABOVE! That is where I have found myself tonight. I actually had to think about the proper way of signing in to Blogger! Dear me! I used to be accused of being a "Comment Nazi" and "the Gestapo of Blogging"! It appears I am losing my strong hold on blogging.

Sunday morning, after Mike's casual comment about not being on my blog in so long, I started analyzing why. Here is what I came up with.

1.) When I first started this blog back in Oct. of '06, I was in very poor health and not up to doing much out of the home. I was pretty much homebound for several months. The blog was a great way for me to have a connection outside of these four walls! It was intoxicating to me! I slept in strange patterns. I would be up all different hours of the night. Many times, my best posts were written at midnight or later, hence, the title of my blog! "Midnight Musings". Now that I have most of my health issues under control and I have restored energy, I'm out and about so much more. This really cuts into my down time, when I used to be able to post.

2.) Shane's schooling is requiring more of me it seems. He needs much drilling in math and as he undertakes many new concepts in most subjects this year, I find I need to be more available for him than the past two years.

3.) I fear I am just too boring! Yes, I really think that sometimes when I sit down here to write something. What is exciting to me and worthy of my writing about, is probably nothing to you folks. I'm so happy when you do leave comments, as they allow me to know you've been by for a visit. It really is a highlight of my day! So keep 'em coming! I know some of you are still lurkers, but at least you let me know by phone or email that you've been keeping up with the Rios Ramblings.

4.) I find that many times when I can take a moment to post something here, I'm just too tired to think straight! Being tired is a blessing because it testifies to the fact I've been busy doing and accomplishing other things.

5.) Hubby has been needing a little extra attention and loving lately. Some crazy situations have been taking place, which affect his life more directly than they do mine. I have had to be that ear and support he has needed of late.

So there you have my thoughts on why I seem to have been neglecting my blog lately. I sure hope I'm back on the wagon now! I hope to be posting soon, about some of the things that have been going on in our lives. See ya' around!


Anonymous said...

all your reasons are valid, pam, and you're anything but boring. goodness land sakes're not boring. :o)

Justabeachkat said...

I think we all go through "phases" where it's just not possible to be the best blogger. I know that happens to me sometime. It's okay. We all understand. And thanks to Blogline, we can tell when you post and it's time to visit again.

(you ARE NOT boring!)

~~Deby said...

I don't think you have a boring bone in your're just busy....etc....things seem to going in cycles sometimes...
I'll keep watching for you.

Kristi said...

Several people seem to be in a lul right now with different things going on in their lives. I will say that I sure have missed ya!


Jodi said...

((Pam)) ~ I'm with you, girly! Blogging is fun, but it's kind of low on the priority list. You are the sunshine in your fellas' lives - that's exciting! :o)

Rita Loca said...

Blog when you feel like it! Also, you did have my daughter over and she got sick and you were up with her all night!!!

Betty said...

We all need a break occasionally.....

Thanks for visiting with me....Betty

Kelli said...

I don't think you are boring at all, Pam! I love visiting you here but understand that life gets busy sometimes. I'm glad that you are feeling much better and have been enjoying your family!

Betty said...

Please stop by for a 'little prize'...Betty

Teresa Maynard said...

You could never be boring, my goodness! Hey, life happens, happens to us all. I missed you but I'm so glad you're feeling well enough to be busy.

Rebecca said...

All the reasons are good except for number 3. If you were boring I wouldn't read you. You are interesting, encouraging, and darn it I like you - sorry channeling an old SNL there.

Ginger said...

You're never boring!!!!!

Susan said...

Thanks for the update. Blogging is not the center of our lives....that is for sure. When it fits in it's fine but don't ever feel under obligation about it. Why do we ALL get so hung up on the "I should's" and the "I need to's"?

Baptist Girl said...

Boy you said how I feel too. You just go so busy with day to day things that it is hard to find time to d a blog or visit the ones you love. It's nice to take sometimes and catch up though. I always love what you have to say here because it is from a kind heart.


groovyoldlady said...

If you're boring, then I am a frying pan.

Memories for a Lifetime said...

Hello, friend....

Hope you aare better and join us again soon---I know you are busy...will call and come over this week!!

email me!!

Love and hugs!