As the New Year approaches, I rejoice in all that we have learned and gained in 2013. Was it all pleasant? No, of course not; but it was all for a higher purpose! I believe each member of the Rios Family has become a better human being because of the various experiences we have encountered along the way this past year.
Some of the good: My son Josh was promoted to a management position at Bern’s Steak House and with that promotion came a substantial raise! Shane celebrated his 16th birthday this year! He has scored well on all tests and has gained much work experience and job skills in the construction/carpentry field ~ thanks to various jobs with his Uncle Johnny. Oh, and he won the UGLY SWEATER contest at his youth group party! I'm so proud! LOL In June, Agustin completed his first year with Cantina Laredo and has established strong relationships with many of the regular customers and with many leaders of our community. He has enjoyed having only a 10 minute commute to and from work this past year! I have overcome malignant cancer and many other health issues. I (We) praise God for HIS goodness to us all!
Have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve. We, the Rios family, plan to Par---tay!!!
What are some of your plans?
Here are a few photos of our December, 2013.
Shane’s 16th Birthday party!
Agustin and I enjoying a night at Sea World, Orlando.
My parents at our house on Christmas Day.
Mom continues to recuperate from her knee replacement surgery.
Our family on Christmas Day.
Some yummies made by Shane and I.
To see a short slideshow I made with "Smilebox", just click the link below.
As we head into 2014, let me encourage you to consider this wise counsel from God’s Word, Proverbs 3:5&6 which says: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct thy paths.”
Your post shows the many blessings we have, and also the way God takes us through the tough times.
Happy New Year!
Um. Did someone say Berns? How did I not know this???? LET'S GO EAT!!!! Love you girl. I'm sorry we're so close and never get together. I will change that.
Happy new year to you and yours! I haven't been around much, so thought this was a good way to start the year... doing some visiting!
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