First off, do y'all think it's high time I get rid of the February, Valentiney theme on my blog? I promise, it will happen, just don't know when!
I really need to get my act together. I'm in the same boat as another blogging friend or two it seems. As of late, I can't seem to get my stuff together. And by stuff I mean even some of the simplest of daily chores! Most of you know our family recently went through some major changes and major health issues over these past six months or so. I thought by now, I'd be up and running on all cylinders, facing life with energy and zeal. But it just "ain't" happening! Could it have something to do with my age? I turn the big 50 in November. Shhh, don't tell anyone!
I really need to get my act together. I'm in the same boat as another blogging friend or two it seems. As of late, I can't seem to get my stuff together. And by stuff I mean even some of the simplest of daily chores! Most of you know our family recently went through some major changes and major health issues over these past six months or so. I thought by now, I'd be up and running on all cylinders, facing life with energy and zeal. But it just "ain't" happening! Could it have something to do with my age? I turn the big 50 in November. Shhh, don't tell anyone!
Well, here, let me allow the following picture to express to you how I'm feeling these days!

I've given myself a good talkin' to about my lack of reaching my own goals. I've had the hubster pray with me about it. I've joked about it with others. I've cried about it with my sister. I've tried to ignore it. I've given that ol' devil a chewing out. I've mused about it at odd hours, yes, many times at midnight. I'm tired of thinking about not being quite with it around here, so ...I've decided that for now I'm just going to rejoice in the fact that I walked for an hour yesterday and plan on doing it again today.Shane did get some lessons done yesterday and by God's grace, we'll do even more today. At least that's a start in the right direction of my former life and what we called normal.
Now, If y'all will indulge me, I'd like to share some sweet photos of my great nieces visiting my children's church class a couple of Sunday's ago! They are here visiting from Paraguay and leave us in about 6 weeks. I'm already having withdrawal symptoms. Let me tell you, these little princesses have a way of stealing hearts! Their giggles and squeals when I walk into a room is priceless!
Baby Lexi didn't like getting her clothes changed for church!
My helpers in Children's Church"
Elena, Matthew, Abbie, and Seth hold up the visuals to the little song,
"Whisper a prayer in the morning,
Whisper a prayer at noon.
Whisper a prayer in the evening.
Twill keep your heart in tune."
My niece said the girls went around their house singing it all week.
How precious is that? Be still my soul!

Abbie (age 2) Ya' gotta notice the toes! , Elena (age 4), and Lexi (1 month)
I love 'em to pieces!