I should be in bed already. We leave around 9 in the morning, heading to West Virginia and the annual family reunion. I'm so excited! We haven't gone in years. I think Shane was about 5 years old the last time we were up there. I was born in the mountains of W. Va. but moved to California as a 2 year old little girl. I love the sound of the creek at night flowing right past the front yards of my relatives homesteads. One reason I'm so psyched about this particular trip is because my sister and I have been researching our family heritage.
RITA-I spoke with cousin Alicia today and boy oh boy, will I have a surprise for you when I return! Maybe even while up there I can let you in on my little secret! Here's a hint: Alicia can get a key!! Oh I know you're gonna kill me for that one! LOL
Oh my and if the logistics all work out, I might get to meet my blogging buddy, Kristi!! A.K.A.HappyMama! We have so so much in common! Her folks are even from W. Va. and her grandma was full blooded Cherokee! So much more to our lives stories that I'll have to tell you at another time.
Today was hectic. None of us slept last night due to Shane's coughing and crying with an earache. Agustin had to work. I had planned on taking Shane in to the pediatric's early but he had just fallen to sleep around 7 a.m. Thank the Lord, our pediatric offices offer extended hours, so I made an appointment for 6:20 this evening. Yep, sure enough, the little fella's cold had settled in his left hear. INFECTION! Anitbiotics and numbing drops were prescribed. Doc said thankfully we weren't flying on Tuesday. Isn't that so typical though, for a child to get sick right before or during vacation!?
I scurried around all day doing the following:
*chatting on phone with Aunt Catty
*did laundry
*chatting on phone with Cousin Alicia
*chatting on the phone with Cousin Ronnie
*began packing my suitcase
*watched the heavy rain from my living room window
*ran into library, renewed one book, checked out 3 more on Native Americans
*waited for Shane to choose some books. He chose 3 Star Wars paper backs and 1 Bionicle for the trip.
*took Shane to Dr.
*dropped off prescriptions at pharmacy
*took Shane for haircut
*ran into Best Buy to purchase a power adapter for our laptop, oh and bought a movie while there - "FlyBoys"! A great movie we saw about a year ago.
*stopped by pharmacy to pick up scripts and coffee (Gotta have my cup o' joe in the morning!)
*returned home to continue laundry and packing
*enjoying the rain STILL! Thank you Lord, no complaints here. Our little earth needed that refreshement.
*ate supper very late
*spoke with brother on phone ("John, may I please borrow some of your cool movies to watch on the trip?")
*spoke with my son on the phone ("Josh, may I please borrow some of your cool movies to watch on the trip?")
*washed up dishes, cleaned kitchen, wiped down counters and floor
*folded towels
*administered Shane's meds
*checked my Caller I.D. Saw I'd missed a call from Rita.
*paid a few bills on line
*read a few blogs
*answered a few emails
*spent time in prayer for my "Hearts In One Accord" commitment
*typed this post
*crashed into bed!
Now I leave you with some photos from my last trip to West Virginia and our Family Reunion!2003

It's not a complete trip to West Virginia without a good, competitive game of family volley ball! Agustin in red shirt, Jewel Vernoy in white top and black bottoms, my Josh in center wearing Bucs jersey, Josh Vernoy in blue checkered shirt, my baby brother wearing sleeveless gray shirt and khaki pants. They had a blast!

Mom with Uncle Ted, holding his grandson Blaine.

And who might this be? TWINS YOU SAY? Nope, just cousins but everyone thinks Donna and I could pass for sisters at least!

Uncle Elzie and Aunt Rachel - still so in love after all those years!
Shane is in orange shirt. This was his first time to play in a little brook. He LOVED getting dirty! (We are such city-slickers!)

Doing the IMPORTANT STUFF - EATING!!! Agustin in red, my daddy in the cap, Shane in orange, my Josh in white sports jersey, Jackie peeking over his shoulder, Clint on end standing, Josh Vernoy in checkered shirt, my mom next to him in sunglasses, my brother John, and our cousin Alicia. I guess I was the one behind the camera taking this shot!

Dad asking the blessing over the food. This is the same bandstand on which the Bluegrass Band performed all day! So authentic!
Agustin and I about 5 years ago.