Life has been so unusual for me this past year. Can you believe it has been an entire year since Agustin's job upset? Thankfully, we learned and grew through a very negative circumstance. He is coming upon his first year anniversary at his new job, and tonight the regional director informed him they were reassigning him to a different location starting Wednesday. This will make his commute a tad longer, but we think the new location closes for Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. That makes us smile!
Shane and I have been knee deep in school and such. He has grown so much this past year! And is such a good and pleasant boy. I can't believe he turns THIRTEEN in December!
Josh has been having a blast working at Busch Gardens for the past six weeks. You'll never guess what he is getting paid to do? He thinks it's a great thing to receive money for SCARING PEOPLE!!! He has been a Werewolf character for the Howl-O-Scream hours at the park this year. He gets to wear an amazing costume and walk around his zone scaring the wits out of big boyfriends who almost jump into their sweeties arms! That's Josh's favorite reaction to see.
Guess whose birthday is coming up soonm? MINE! I turn the BIG 50 on November 8th! A friend is flying in from Michigan and others are meeting up for a reunion in Arcadia next weekend. It's a small town where my parents and I taught school. I have many wonderful memories of fun people and fun times there.
Well I just wanted to post a little something before I started visiting some of my favorite blogs. I know my cousin Ronnie checks here often and seems so very disappointed when I don't update enough! *wink,wink*
Have a great weekend everyone!